Category: Personal

  • Announcement: Major Site Changes Coming June

    I have decided not to continue hosting my website with and am moving over to and a hosting service. I know a lot of my readers found me through the Jetpack / WordPress Reader feature, and it looks like I can use that and add it on my site as a plug-in. What […]

  • Which Fantasy my Genre? High Fantasy? Epic Fantasy?

    Is it even fantasy at all? For me writing fantasy was by complete accident. Judging by what I read predominantly when I was growing up, I should be a science fiction writer. Especially the more speculative, contemporary sort of Science Fiction like Stargate and Jurassic Park. What happened instead was that I got into Terry […]

  • What do I do about Editing and Revision regarding Creative Writing?

    I have been consistently writing creatively since 2017, so as of writing this it’s been 6 years. The helpful answer is that I find that once I’m already editing I actually enjoy it, even if I resist starting. So the answer is to just start, and worry about liking it after. The more difficult answer […]

  • Doing a Full Novel Rewrite

    The novel I’m currently working on, The Solune Prince, has been in the works for over four years now. And so this summer, when I started getting a good hold of the ropes of publishing and self-publishing, I truly and finally realized how far the current state of the novel was from being clean and […]

  • Treads beneath the Willow Trees

    Ankle deep she treads beneath the willow treesFeet deep into water brown with mud and wine And now she turns to me her feet still pointed straightShe calls out in a tragic voice, but tells me that she’ll wait The voice is drenched in honey and I know she will be mineMy boots thrown off, […]

  • It’s Finally Over And… (poem)

    It’s finally over  And I’m on my way home  I would say it’s like the first time,Except that truly, it is not.‘Cause life is not a cliche, Rather it’s like back in those days  when I worked in a place  where I came home before shops closed  And before the sun set  and the work […]

  • Small Steps

    Many people in my generation have likely heard of Holes, either the book by Louis Sachar, or the film adaptation. What few people are aware of is that it had a somewhat strange spinoff-sequel. This book was called Small Steps. Now, this post is a blog update, not a book review, but I want to […]

  • How to Write From the Middle

    Of all the books on writing I’ve encountered, Write Your Novel from the Middle, by James Scott Bell is one of the best. Let’s discuss it, and check out some of the writing ideas it gave me. There are some books that should be short but are stretched out to fill some sort of page […]

  • Another Journey’s Step

    Though it was one of my less popular update blogs, the previous part of this year’s saga—realizing I may have lost first publication rights by releasing fiction for free here on my site—is the beginning place for this next step forward. Like many, I have been attempting to move forward and find a “Why,” or […]

  • Woes of Publishing and How I had to Pivot this Website

    Over the last month, I made a realization that forced me (in many ways) to completely alter the way in which this blog is run. This realization resulted in a feeling of great loss. It reminds me of a portion in Steve Carell the film, Little Miss Sunshine, in which one of the protagonists, a […]

  • 100 Quote Ideas in 100 Days (Part 1)

    R. Yitzchak also said: If one says to you, I have toiled and not found, do not believe him. If he says, I have not toiled but still have found, do not believe him. If he says, I have toiled and found, believe him. (Megillah 64b) All physicals wars between rulers are small compared to […]

  • Confided III [Au 10/22]

    Part 1, Part 2 He Wrote: Options. I have too many options. God has given me spirituality in the part of hard work, and so I am working hard, but at too many things. Sleep eludes me, work increases, strength wanes, and one such as I will grind forward relentless, grinding into the soft flesh […]

  • Confided II [JN 22/22]

    Before me and yet far awayOne path one which I must stand, moves beneath my feet. The earth rotates me forward but I, despite its spin, even should I stay in place (which I do not)Would thus be conveyed slowly to her by the world’s rotation.  For my part, I work capricorniously. On this my […]

  • Confided [AL 22/22]

    He Wrote: Right now I am struggling with a difficult ailment.Apparently, one of the most difficult. Apart from this concern, I feel as though a new chapter is unfolding in my life. Finally moving to publish an album. It seems more hopeful now that I know how the system works. And that her serene highness […]

  • Freezing

    She had returned, I thought, and even danced with me.But now once more she has wandered away, alone in the dark. A vast frozen lake.I wanted to leave the little ones home, but they wouldn’t have it.But the storm has been here for hours.I put them in my coat for safety.I hope you’re not out […]

  • Moments

    I have shared precious moments from so far afar;And I hope to share so much more for sure…. Shaking weavingDucking, heaving… Can I hope for love;Can I ask for you…. And yet…Rupture, repair Devotion, though less intense,Can revive and resurrectAny lost love, in some respect. So welcome home,My Kingdom below,Down here on earth,Because I have […]

  • How to Manage a Mass of Ideas and Goals

    What if you have a lot of ideas? Too many ideas? Oh, but some of them are so good! Ah…well, here is some of the ideas I’ve personally used to wade through and manage ideas and projects. I am no expert, and perhaps one of the many productivity-focussed blogs could cover this better, but at […]

  • The Path

    Before you was set the path,  What you were supposed to do? Or was it,    What they said you were supposed to do?But you didn’t like being told what to do,So you wandered off the path.And years went byAnd you never stopped wanderingYou never found your own way. But before it was too late you looked back,You […]