Announcement: Major Site Changes Coming June

I have decided not to continue hosting my website with and am moving over to and a hosting service.

I know a lot of my readers found me through the Jetpack / WordPress Reader feature, and it looks like I can use that and add it on my site as a plug-in.

What Will happen to this Old Site?

I cancelled my paid WordPress subscription, and I don’t actually know what will happen when it expires in a few weeks. But my assumption is that it’ll go back to using the free WordPress subdomain.

So this site might go back to being

Leo Tolstoy is playing small towns. Russia. Yasnaya Polyana. 1909. (Public Domain.)

If that doesn’t happen automatically, I think it’s still safe to assume that they’re not going to delete this site. That would be very bad for business, especially when we know that they do free hosting through subdomains.

So either way I’ll try to set it back up at I will keep that site up, this site up, for a while until my personally hosted new main site is ready and filled with enough content to allow for an enjoyable visit.

What Will the New Version of the Site be Like?

Before I answer that, I just want to stress that the new site will be located on this domain. It will be

The Domain is Not Changing

So, if you have the homepage bookmarked, it’ll bring you to the new site automatically once I switch over. If you bookmarked a specific article, it’ll probably end up with a dead link.

That’s something else I have to worry about when I switch, all of the old links aren’t going to work anymore on the site because they’ll try to lead to pages that don’t exist on the news site.

But that’s more of a problem for me to sort out, and I’m pretty sure there are a lot of solutions online.

The New Site

The new site will function like an older, more mature version of this site. It will feature a lot of creative writing, updates about my author and even business Journey, and the occasional book review and article.

The most notable difference will be a hopefully subtle push for reader support. I’m going to make it as easy as possible for anyone who enjoys my fiction to get their hands on their own personal copy of what they read, and more.

Turning Content into Books

Yes, this does mean that I’ll be collecting the website’s fiction and releasing it in booklets. My aim is to make around half of any collection new content, and the rest will be us seeing blog content in print for the first time. There are much much more famous authors who make books that are entirely copy and pasted from the website, even the parts that tell you to click the link at the top of the page.

So by promising that the books and Collections and anthologies will have brand new material, including new stories, poems, backstories maybe even character bios, introductions, and as one of my Beta readers suggested a glossary at the end to help us navigate the unique fantasy terms and nationalities that I use. By including many of these new elements, I think that I won’t be letting anybody down.

I can tell you, I did feel a little disappointed when I was reading a book only for the chapter to tell me to click a link at the top of the page. I realized pretty fast that I wasn’t reading a chapter at all, I was reading a Blog article that was copy and pasted and published with little regard to editing or modifying it for the new medium.

It honestly doesn’t bother me if 99% of a book is available free online. I’m happy to have a physical copy. I imagine if somebody had the ebook version they’d be a little less happy. But it should be properly edited and adapted to fit the fact that it’s in a book and on our website. Asking readers to click links when they’re flipping through a paperback just feels unprofessional.

As a side note, you’ll see in reviews for a lot of these types of blog articles turned into books, that people will link the articles in a review. My short story and poetry collection books will endeavour to go beyond that.

And so, one major change will be a shop tab which will feature my books!

What Inspired Me to Make Collections

I saw a YouTuber who had a modest following but was selling four copies of her short Story collection per day. All I could think was, what if I sold the same?

Except what if I did 10 books? 10 books at 4 per day is 40. If I make $10 of profit from each book that’s $400 a day!

Even granting for slower days and months, that could be six figures right there. Obviously if it won’t work out all perfect like the numbers suggest, but it did get me thinking. Her book was a thin collection, and my larger book would break down into maybe three or four.

Kain (right) and Masajtzedek (left) Rhye

So needless to say I was inspired, and we will be seeing such collections coming from me very soon.

There are a lot of possibilities and I’m looking forward to exploring all these new options, and releasing collections with all sorts of cool features for my readers.

Site Change: Links and Books

I was resistant to “monetization” for a long time, but the new site will have a store, and I will be placing links at the end of most articles that will direct you towards a similar related book.

For example, at the end of a short story or article on Janna Rhye, I’ll put a link to a novel or collection that features her. If a story is included in a collection, I’ll share that information and a link for anyone interested.

At the start, things might only be available on Amazon, but sales benefit the author more if you buy from them directly and the new site apparently has a WooCommerce feature for e-commerce, so I might be able to integrate with that and maybe even give site discounts versus Amazon.

More Updates to Come

Obviously there’s a lot more to say, but this is turning out quite long. I’m very excited to be releasing small collections. I already have released a large collection in an unwieldy full-sized 8.5 by 11 in format. That didn’t sell, and I didn’t put my all into it since I was rushed by the deadline of my final University term coming.

The writing in it is good, and I do believe that it’s valuable, but it needs some editing and cleanup, maybe a little formatting and to come in a smaller size that’s easier to handle and read. I’m going to link it here.

Be aware that I will be ending printing for this book in a few months once it gets replaced by the smaller collections that I talked about.

In a meditation I decided I must do more research into the Ramban.

Maybe in a couple of years I’ll make a brand new re-release edition with major changes, and the original print run will end up as a collector’s item. …Which, granted will be a little meaningless until I get big and Famous, at which point you basically have a limited print run first edition of my first ever publication. So how’s that for a sales pitch? Haha.

I’m really excited to be making these new smaller collections, and to be establishing this new more intentional and better curated website. I hope you’ll come along for the journey, all you have to do is bookmark .

EDIT: The Changes have Already Begun

To my surprise, WordPress has already downgraded my site, even though I’m almost certain that I paid for a full year up to early June. It is still May. Very suspicious.

The good news, I guess, is…welcome to the beginning…

Awaken of the Dawn.

This has been
Daniel Triumph,

Thank you for reading.

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