Tag: update

  • Announcement: Major Site Changes Coming June

    I have decided not to continue hosting my website with WordPress.com and am moving over to WordPress.org and a hosting service. I know a lot of my readers found me through the Jetpack / WordPress Reader feature, and it looks like I can use that and add it on my site as a plug-in. What […]

  • Woes of Publishing and How I had to Pivot this Website

    Over the last month, I made a realization that forced me (in many ways) to completely alter the way in which this blog is run. This realization resulted in a feeling of great loss. It reminds me of a portion in Steve Carell the film, Little Miss Sunshine, in which one of the protagonists, a […]

  • Reopening the Schedule

    A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog essay arguing for a monthly release schedule for my website. The timing was good, since I was entering the final and perhaps most difficult year of university. In fact, I recently released a video over on my informal youtube channel that spoke about that essay […]

  • The Solune Sovereignim: Update

    Something of a mess, isn’t it? Here’s the table of contents for The Solune Sovereignim. The Solune Sovereignim is a project that more or less has to happen. Why? Well because it not only goes into the backstories for two important characters in the world of my stories (currently named Däwngale), but also because it […]

  • Blog Update – March 6, 2021

    Hello everyone, it has been months. 5 months since my last post, to be exact. Anyone who has been following along with for a long enough time will know that often, around the turn of the year, I my blog posts will sputter to a halt. Why is this? Usually it’s because that’s exam season, […]

  • Alexandre Jutt’s Journal

    Alexandre Jutt’s Journal

    This is a writing I made way back in September. It’s exam season right now, and on top of that, I’m not being as productive as I would like to be. However, I am intent on keeping this blog going even during my hardest times, so here is a piece, almost not even a story, […]

  • Notes and Plans on Alice and Finch III

    Notes and Plans on Alice and Finch III

    Wow, okay, wow. It looks like, while I finished the first draft of Alice and Finch, I didn’t actually release the whole thing on my blog. Wow. Anyway… Expect the last three chapters very soon, followed by chunks of the epilogue. Daniel Triumph.

  • Quick update 

    Quick update 

    Hey all, I’m still alive. I just moved 1200km to the south, to my university! I’ll get out a story tomorrow afternoon after classes. Right now I don’t have internet, publishing on data. I’ll probably write at the school library. See you then, thank you for your patience! Daniel Triumph. 

  • Update 2 – The First Day of Many

    Update 2 – The First Day of Many

    Hey, all! I’m here to announce a few things. As I stated in “My Life as of August,” today is my first day without work. I have eight days to move to Windsor from where I am (it’s a twelve hour drive) and get settled in before University starts. Honestly, I’m a little frightened, but […]

  • The Patreon.

    The Patreon.

    I’ve just made a Patreon page. I’ve set it up as a monthly subscription, so should you wish to become a patron, feel free. If you do not, please don’t feel obligated. Your attention is enough. Link to Patreon Below is a copy of the “about” portion of it.

  • Progress: Alice and Finch Dusk Releases

    Progress: Alice and Finch Dusk Releases

    Okay, one of the first projects on this blog was a trilogy of short stories called Alice and Finch. I’m not going to explain it here, because this post isn’t a summary, it’s an announcement. Alice and Finch will be compiled into a novellette, including the trilogy, Inck, and the Epilogue, running to about 10 […]

  • Progress: Alice and Finch Compilation

    Progress: Alice and Finch Compilation

    Okay, one of the first projects on this blog was a trilogy of short stories called Alice and Finch. I’m not going to explain it here, because this post isn’t a summary, it’s an announcement. Alice and Finch will be compiled into a novellette, including the trilogy, Inck, and the Epilogue, running to about 10 […]

  • Notes and Plans: Tales of Symphonia

    Notes and Plans: Tales of Symphonia

    Tales of Symphonia is my favourite video game of all time. It might also be my favourite narrative as well. Symphonia contains many twists, huge build up, a deep theme, and numerous culminating portions. There are large parts of the plot that I completely missed on my first and even second playthroughs. So, I’m starting […]

  • Update: Thoughts on Flash Fiction

    I’ve been becoming more and more interested in flash fiction. It seems all my stories always go above the 500 or so words, and so they’re mostly all just short stories, or snippets that I string together. So, that’s the plan. Either Tuesday or Wednesday this week, I’ll write a flash fiction. See you then. […]

  • The Novel, Natasha

    Any aspiring writer probably has a novel they’re working on. I’m no different. Mine is currently under the codename Natasha. A frequent reader might recognize that name as the fifth prince of the Solune, Natasha Rhye, captain of the Murdock guard. That’s who I’m talking about. Natasha is actually an unusual character to write about. […]

  • Inck

    Inck Alice Dawngale made her way through the dim snowy wood. She wasn’t sure where to go. The south was barren. She would find no resources, no food there. She had survived on nothing but snow melted in hand for eight weeks, rationing the only food she had to her young child. For the most […]

  • Notes and Plans on Alice and Finch II

    I’ve become frustrated, and I understand now why people take breaks from putting out content during vacations. It’s hard, but I guess it’s on me. I could be setting time aside for this. Anyway, I did finish most of a first draft, but it’s full of mistakes and I’m tired, so instead you get this. […]