The Novel, Natasha

Any aspiring writer probably has a novel they’re working on. I’m no different. Mine is currently under the codename Natasha. A frequent reader might recognize that name as the fifth prince of the Solune, Natasha Rhye, captain of the Murdock guard. That’s who I’m talking about.

Natasha is actually an unusual character to write about. She doesn’t have a lot of motivation, and she’s not a particularly interesting person. But, she has a drive for order, and an openness to change. She’s the one who recruited Setzer.

I’ll get to the main point of this post. I’m working on a book, and it’s an interesting experience. I’d like to document my trials and travesty in my endeavour, maybe it’ll keep me motivated because to be honest I haven’t written in my notebook in over a week now and it’s starting to call to me. And it’s getting louder each day.

Why did I stop writing anyway? Well, I used to log my pages written per day, so let’s see. I stopped writing on the 11th, and wrote one more time on the 14th. What happened on the 11th? Oh right, I started this blog! So the blog ended up taking up a lot of my time, but I’ll admit it only takes about two hours to make a 1000-2000 word post, so I have loads of time to do some writing. I think I’ll be finishing this book.

So, today I’m posting about all that I’ve done so far. Here are some cool numbers:

  • 5 Chapters done
  • 91 Pages written
  • 19 days of writing

Those numbers might seem pretty big, but to me it’s a little disappointing. I mean, imagine if I had been keeping up with it in those seventeen days between the 11th and today, the 27th? Well, the past is the past, I can’t change it.

But I can change the future. I’m going to write tonight, and tomorrow I’ll write up a post on what the plot is and where it’s going. For now I’ll leave you with this, Natasha gets a promotion to City Captain, and her first task is to find out who stole two cudgels of iron, and why…

See you then,

Daniel Triumph.

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