Category: notes and plans

  • Announcement: Major Site Changes Coming June

    I have decided not to continue hosting my website with and am moving over to and a hosting service. I know a lot of my readers found me through the Jetpack / WordPress Reader feature, and it looks like I can use that and add it on my site as a plug-in. What […]

  • Working the Schedules

    In this video I talk about how my planning and schedule is going. Issues I’m having, where things are working out well the, and where there are giant holes in my planning. One of the things I didn’t get around to talking about in the video is how the different duration get around to talking […]

  • Doing a Full Novel Rewrite

    The novel I’m currently working on, The Solune Prince, has been in the works for over four years now. And so this summer, when I started getting a good hold of the ropes of publishing and self-publishing, I truly and finally realized how far the current state of the novel was from being clean and […]

  • Drafting: Attempting a New First Chapter of TSP

    Recently, I began working more seriously with my novels. At present, I am revising and preparing The Solune Prince for indie publication. This is taking me a bit more work than I expected, and the reason is that the first draft of Book 1 of The Solune Prince had some issues. Don’t get me wrong, […]

  • Small Steps

    Many people in my generation have likely heard of Holes, either the book by Louis Sachar, or the film adaptation. What few people are aware of is that it had a somewhat strange spinoff-sequel. This book was called Small Steps. Now, this post is a blog update, not a book review, but I want to […]

  • Another Journey’s Step

    Though it was one of my less popular update blogs, the previous part of this year’s saga—realizing I may have lost first publication rights by releasing fiction for free here on my site—is the beginning place for this next step forward. Like many, I have been attempting to move forward and find a “Why,” or […]

  • Woes of Publishing and How I had to Pivot this Website

    Over the last month, I made a realization that forced me (in many ways) to completely alter the way in which this blog is run. This realization resulted in a feeling of great loss. It reminds me of a portion in Steve Carell the film, Little Miss Sunshine, in which one of the protagonists, a […]

  • Blog: Core Literature Course

    “Core Literature” is the working title for an online course I’m working on, the first attempts of which I’ve actually made public for free on YouTube. But the creation of the course has been fraught with delays; specifically, I don’t exactly know where the course is going; or rather, I am not entirely sure how […]

  • Reopening the Schedule

    A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog essay arguing for a monthly release schedule for my website. The timing was good, since I was entering the final and perhaps most difficult year of university. In fact, I recently released a video over on my informal youtube channel that spoke about that essay […]

  • Corrupt-adness: Fragmented Depression

    Fragments 1 StoneCage Heart Lock down the heart,Sealed in a cold stone cage.Fully enclosed, airtight and waterproof,Never open again, never feel the shame.Seed withinThe seed of strife,Locked in as well,A touch of insanity,Airtight and waterproof,Locked in the stone cage.In the smile, the eyes,The madness burns,Straight from the heartand into the head.It will never escape,It keeps […]

  • The Developed State of The Solune Prince

    I have developed my own new writng method which includes both planning and a lot of spontaneity, and even integrates a third element, editing, into the mix without getting hung up on it.

  • Chloe’s Journal (Entry 2)

    The first days of my journey. What have I done? I volunteered to take on this task, this diplomatic mission, but…what will I do? This is my first time on such a quest, and I have taken it on all alone…why… Yet—no, father sent Kent with me. He has experience in the role of a […]

  • Blog Update – March 6, 2021

    Hello everyone, it has been months. 5 months since my last post, to be exact. Anyone who has been following along with for a long enough time will know that often, around the turn of the year, I my blog posts will sputter to a halt. Why is this? Usually it’s because that’s exam season, […]

  • Chloe’s Letter: Distress and Regimes

    To His Serene Reigning Majesty, King of the Solune, Oh father, what will I do? Father, I hope this letter reaches you well. There is no conventional route directly between the Lussa City and and The Solune Kingdom. The conventional route is all the way around, to the Djeb and then across the desert. It […]

  • Musings on the Lussa City

    The Lussa City was designed in my mind as old and messy. It is unlike the Djeb city-state, which is layered on the old, built on a solid foundation they had found in the desert sands, which turned out to be the sunken ruins of a previous civilization. Even their architecture are layered, the roofs […]

  • Here Once Again

    Another blog regarding The Solune Prince It was unfortunately only six months ago that I wrote a piece like this, addressing the issues I was having in the writing process of The Solune Prince. This blog post has a different goal than that one, though I will give context for anyone who is unfamiliar with […]

  • On The Solune Prince

    The Solune Prince has been a project since 2016, although inspirations for it can be pulled further back. As a novel, it promises to be grand, perhaps even exciting, but nonetheless it constantly fails to bring itself into existence. This short essay is broken into parts. I briefly look into the history of The Solune […]

  • The Solune Prince: [Workshop I]

    A couple things before the piece starts. You can skip ahead if you just want to get to the narrative. First: This is a lightly edited sort of experiment. This piece projects itself into a much later chapter of The Solune Prince. Short background, the general concept is sort of a “coming of age” story […]