Working the Schedules

In this video I talk about how my planning and schedule is going. Issues I’m having, where things are working out well the, and where there are giant holes in my planning.

One of the things I didn’t get around to talking about in the video is how the different duration get around to talking about in the video is how the different durations of goals will interact.

Below you can see my video going over my various approaches to planning.

Ideally you start with your biggest goals, make monthly goals based off of those, Then weekly, then daily. And these goals must be practical and get you from start to finish, step-by-step.

So while this video is uploading, I’m going to go ahead and add this as a goal. Maybe I’ll call it something like, integrate goals at all levels and durations.

For example, I’ve been doing these monthly videos for two or three months now, and I think only once did I actually have a monthly goal to talk about in it.

Fortunately, I have a lot of weekly goals and general unset goals, so i still have a lot to talk about.

In addition, I’ve been doing a couple of different methods of day planning and I have long term goals stretching all the way to September. So we will be talking about three types of plans. The daily, the weekly, and even up to monthly and beyond.

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