Tag: Writing

  • Confided III [Au 10/22]

    Part 1, Part 2 He Wrote: Options. I have too many options. God has given me spirituality in the part of hard work, and so I am working hard, but at too many things. Sleep eludes me, work increases, strength wanes, and one such as I will grind forward relentless, grinding into the soft flesh […]

  • Confided II [JN 22/22]

    Before me and yet far awayOne path one which I must stand, moves beneath my feet. The earth rotates me forward but I, despite its spin, even should I stay in place (which I do not)Would thus be conveyed slowly to her by the world’s rotation.  For my part, I work capricorniously. On this my […]

  • Confided [AL 22/22]

    He Wrote: Right now I am struggling with a difficult ailment.Apparently, one of the most difficult. Apart from this concern, I feel as though a new chapter is unfolding in my life. Finally moving to publish an album. It seems more hopeful now that I know how the system works. And that her serene highness […]

  • Reflexions on Wedlock

    Do you want statistics? No, we know the state of the affair well enough. Misery. And what then? Does the heart move across the sky? I thought not. And yet… Across the land, across the nation and further into the next, I have been bound. For other nobility, marriage is a very public and procedural […]

  • Solune Sovereignim: Beta Version (Part 1)

    Ancient peoples held to ancient standards, ancient laws, and ancient morals. This is a story of ancient times, and its contents may walk the edges of our current sensibilities. In fact, I am not the correct person to be writing it. I hold not only a less severe view of morality, but also a sharp […]

  • “The Old Ball and Chain”

    “The old ball and chain…” “Do you mean a morningstar? Or a medieval flail?” “…You could call her that.”

  • Of the New Religions

    Let us define religion as any philosophy or theory that affects a person’s beliefs and actions. You must think, after the 20th century religion changed with Modernism. Modernism spelled the end of traditional religions in the west, in part thanks to Nietzsche. We had all sorts of strange new movements claiming to be ancient. Theosophy, […]

  • Young Predator Queen (IIII)

    (First Predator Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) Chapter 4 Conspiracy, this is the specialty of the Condor mind. Conspiracy, slow and years-long, even decades long. Conspiracy, to watch a race of man spread across another continent, to watch them sow new roots, only so that you may come and consume the […]

  • Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The Second Reflexion

    (First Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) The Second Reflexion “They came upon is in packs of seven, and chastened our numbers by a third.” I read aloud to the sage. She nodded, her ancient head tired, but still alive. How was it that she had aged so much, and I so […]

  • Young Predator Queen (III)

    (First Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) Chapter 3 “There they are, look.” Palor pointed. The group of Condor were sitting on a mountain, and staring far down into the forest at the foot of it with their eyes. Condor people, in addition to having immense strength and fortitude, also have the […]

  • Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The First Reflexion

    (First Chapter) – – – (Table of Contents) I have lived far too long for any one man. I am not yet a monster, but I fear I will soon be a deity. A man, living to ninety, is not an impossible thing, but it is certainly a striking feat, and a measure of good […]

  • Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – Prologue

    (First Chapter) (Table of Contents) My mother told me of her father, who lived many years ago and witnessed the ancient schism between the Sollussa people. They ran, ran from an ancient threat, the giants that ate them. One half did not run, they stood their ground, but the other half, my mother’s father’s half, […]

  • Young Predator Queen (II)

    Chapter 2 (First Chapter) (Table of Contents) It was dusk, and already pitch black save for the stars above. The corruption, this taint of her mind, covered over her thoughts. But, Gwenhime didn’t mind; she could fly after all, and the teeth, though they got in the way at times and initially cut her tongue […]

  • The Solune Sovereignim: Table of Contents

    A thousand years ago, one woman of the Condor people and one man of the Sollussa created a union and founded The Solune Kingdom. But along the way, they had to learn each other’s language, and overcome each other’s enemies…this is the fell fairy tale of King Rhye and Queen Gwenhime, the first monarchs of […]

  • Young Predator Queen

    It was the first century by her counting, but her parents would add nineteen more, from before she could count. This was the method of the Condors keeping years. We are not like other nations who hold to a birth date and nothing else, we hold two dates. Thus, counting has a quaint and special […]

  • Chloe’s Journal (Entry 2)

    The first days of my journey. What have I done? I volunteered to take on this task, this diplomatic mission, but…what will I do? This is my first time on such a quest, and I have taken it on all alone…why… Yet—no, father sent Kent with me. He has experience in the role of a […]

  • A Darker Red (Teaser 1)

    “The communist revolution can only succeed if the first authoritarian revolutionaries are again overthrown by a more individualistic, libertarian group. Anarchy will follow. Communism is chaos. And also… Good writing.” —From the journal of Hannah Alz-Aeur, 400X Daniel Triumph. Current Project

  • Notes and Plans on Alice and Finch III

    Notes and Plans on Alice and Finch III

    Wow, okay, wow. It looks like, while I finished the first draft of Alice and Finch, I didn’t actually release the whole thing on my blog. Wow. Anyway… Expect the last three chapters very soon, followed by chunks of the epilogue. Daniel Triumph.