The Solune Sovereignim: Table of Contents

A thousand years ago, one woman of the Condor people and one man of the Sollussa created a union and founded The Solune Kingdom. But along the way, they had to learn each other’s language, and overcome each other’s enemies…this is the fell fairy tale of King Rhye and Queen Gwenhime, the first monarchs of The Solune Kingdom.
Documents assembled and edited by their daughter, Chloe Rhye.

(Project on Hiatus)

Alpha Version

  1. Young Predator Queen (I)
  2. Young Predator Queen (II)
  3. Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune (Prologue)
  4. Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The First Reflexion
  5. Young Predator Queen (III)
  6. Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The Second Reflexion
  7. Young Predator Queen (IIII)
  8. Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The Third Reflexion

Beta Version

  1. Part I: 99 Years Prior

(Note: Anything not yet linked is in progress. Also, if a link is present but not yet working, that means the post is scheduled and will function in the next few days. Sit tight!)

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