Tag: Short Story

  • Scene: Contemplating the Stranger

    Exercise 3 – This is a creative writing exercise that I wrote in May of 2021. Scene: Rewrite the following story… I stopped short in front of the stranger. They sent me interrogate him, and I was on the case. I mulled over my approach. I didn’t want to judge a book by its cover, […]

  • War Bride – “How did Your Parents Meet?” (Censored Version)

    Daniel TriumphMarch 17, 2021ENGL 4710 Juvinelia: From the Dairies of the Solune King She appeared, I had thought, near the end of the battle; at the end of the final skirmish of the war. At first sight, my mind was too busy, I could properly comprehend her, appearing like an angel of victory when the […]

  • Alexandre in Sections (table of contents)

    This is a collection of Alexandre Siren/Dirge’s story. This mostly covers her backstory, and each peace is generally in a different style. Enjoy! Raze From the Journals of Anselm Siren Cry in Anger Dirge Chronicle Wraith Hail Artifact Edition Shade the Past Sirens His Old Withered House Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 String Quartet […]

  • Young Predator Queen (IIII)

    (First Predator Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) Chapter 4 Conspiracy, this is the specialty of the Condor mind. Conspiracy, slow and years-long, even decades long. Conspiracy, to watch a race of man spread across another continent, to watch them sow new roots, only so that you may come and consume the […]

  • Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The Second Reflexion

    (First Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) The Second Reflexion “They came upon is in packs of seven, and chastened our numbers by a third.” I read aloud to the sage. She nodded, her ancient head tired, but still alive. How was it that she had aged so much, and I so […]

  • Young Predator Queen (III)

    (First Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) Chapter 3 “There they are, look.” Palor pointed. The group of Condor were sitting on a mountain, and staring far down into the forest at the foot of it with their eyes. Condor people, in addition to having immense strength and fortitude, also have the […]

  • Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The First Reflexion

    (First Chapter) – – – (Table of Contents) I have lived far too long for any one man. I am not yet a monster, but I fear I will soon be a deity. A man, living to ninety, is not an impossible thing, but it is certainly a striking feat, and a measure of good […]

  • Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – Prologue

    (First Chapter) (Table of Contents) My mother told me of her father, who lived many years ago and witnessed the ancient schism between the Sollussa people. They ran, ran from an ancient threat, the giants that ate them. One half did not run, they stood their ground, but the other half, my mother’s father’s half, […]

  • Young Predator Queen (II)

    Chapter 2 (First Chapter) (Table of Contents) It was dusk, and already pitch black save for the stars above. The corruption, this taint of her mind, covered over her thoughts. But, Gwenhime didn’t mind; she could fly after all, and the teeth, though they got in the way at times and initially cut her tongue […]

  • The Solune Sovereignim: Table of Contents

    A thousand years ago, one woman of the Condor people and one man of the Sollussa created a union and founded The Solune Kingdom. But along the way, they had to learn each other’s language, and overcome each other’s enemies…this is the fell fairy tale of King Rhye and Queen Gwenhime, the first monarchs of […]

  • Young Predator Queen

    It was the first century by her counting, but her parents would add nineteen more, from before she could count. This was the method of the Condors keeping years. We are not like other nations who hold to a birth date and nothing else, we hold two dates. Thus, counting has a quaint and special […]

  • From the Journals of Anselm Siren

    From the logs and journals of Anselm Siren. Recollections and quotations further exacted by aid of Miss Dirge. An Introduction Alexandre Dirge’s mood could change quickly, but usually to one of a similar nature. That is, her tongue would change on a snap from blowtorch to battering ram. Fascinating. It took quite a lot of […]

  • The Young Spectator

    She peered around the doorway, through the entrance. The room was full, as it usually was at this time. Usually, no one noticed her. (Someone always noticed.) Would she learn about those things during her schooling? Possibly, but it would be in later years. They had started a few minutes ago, so the room’s attention […]

  • Bare Handed

    Jason Arson walked through the streets, sliding leather gloves onto his fingers as he went. They were mostly to distance himself from any actions he made while wearing them. It was a single degree of separation, but for him it was enough. Jason tried to run a tight schedule, but he was twenty minutes behind, […]

  • Quartet

    [Version 1. 1504 words. Short story.] She would rise in the middle of the night on some nights, the long nights, and wander to the window. I only began to notice when I started sleeping as much as she did. One night we wandered away down the halls. Our house of a decent size for […]

  • The Solune Prince: [Workshop II]

    Let us look into the future for a moment, as we did here. He shook her awake frantically. It didn’t matter. He had to know that she hadn’t died or worse. She had died, but she wasn’t dead any more. The romance in her heart wanted to believe that he had brought her to life, […]

  • Without : Wavering

    Draft 4 It flowed from the hole in her arm. not pink this time. Red—It was serious. It was serious, but not that serious. She might die, but either way she would live. —— “funny,” she thought (and also said). “Ah, the King is awake.” There was someone else there, she heard him. Someone she […]

  • Those of Noble Status

    Second Draft. “No, you listen, we should not be here! It is an ill omen, this mist!” The man whispered, shouting almost. “You tell me we should go back, and then you have the gaul to speak of omens?” The woman replied, quite calmly. “Omens cull the meek and annihilate the weak. There is no […]