Category: The Solune King (“Mars”)

  • The Solune Sovereignim: Update

    Something of a mess, isn’t it? Here’s the table of contents for The Solune Sovereignim. The Solune Sovereignim is a project that more or less has to happen. Why? Well because it not only goes into the backstories for two important characters in the world of my stories (currently named Däwngale), but also because it […]

  • Solune Sovereignim: Beta Version (Part 1)

    Ancient peoples held to ancient standards, ancient laws, and ancient morals. This is a story of ancient times, and its contents may walk the edges of our current sensibilities. In fact, I am not the correct person to be writing it. I hold not only a less severe view of morality, but also a sharp […]

  • War Bride – “How did Your Parents Meet?” (Censored Version)

    Daniel TriumphMarch 17, 2021ENGL 4710 Juvinelia: From the Dairies of the Solune King She appeared, I had thought, near the end of the battle; at the end of the final skirmish of the war. At first sight, my mind was too busy, I could properly comprehend her, appearing like an angel of victory when the […]

  • Young Predator Queen (IIII)

    (First Predator Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) Chapter 4 Conspiracy, this is the specialty of the Condor mind. Conspiracy, slow and years-long, even decades long. Conspiracy, to watch a race of man spread across another continent, to watch them sow new roots, only so that you may come and consume the […]

  • Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The Second Reflexion

    (First Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) The Second Reflexion “They came upon is in packs of seven, and chastened our numbers by a third.” I read aloud to the sage. She nodded, her ancient head tired, but still alive. How was it that she had aged so much, and I so […]

  • Young Predator Queen (III)

    (First Chapter) – (First Warden Chapter) – (Table of Contents) Chapter 3 “There they are, look.” Palor pointed. The group of Condor were sitting on a mountain, and staring far down into the forest at the foot of it with their eyes. Condor people, in addition to having immense strength and fortitude, also have the […]

  • Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – The First Reflexion

    (First Chapter) – – – (Table of Contents) I have lived far too long for any one man. I am not yet a monster, but I fear I will soon be a deity. A man, living to ninety, is not an impossible thing, but it is certainly a striking feat, and a measure of good […]

  • Reflexions of Rhye, Warden of the Solune – Prologue

    (First Chapter) (Table of Contents) My mother told me of her father, who lived many years ago and witnessed the ancient schism between the Sollussa people. They ran, ran from an ancient threat, the giants that ate them. One half did not run, they stood their ground, but the other half, my mother’s father’s half, […]

  • Young Predator Queen (II)

    Chapter 2 (First Chapter) (Table of Contents) It was dusk, and already pitch black save for the stars above. The corruption, this taint of her mind, covered over her thoughts. But, Gwenhime didn’t mind; she could fly after all, and the teeth, though they got in the way at times and initially cut her tongue […]

  • The Solune Sovereignim: Table of Contents

    A thousand years ago, one woman of the Condor people and one man of the Sollussa created a union and founded The Solune Kingdom. But along the way, they had to learn each other’s language, and overcome each other’s enemies…this is the fell fairy tale of King Rhye and Queen Gwenhime, the first monarchs of […]

  • Young Predator Queen

    It was the first century by her counting, but her parents would add nineteen more, from before she could count. This was the method of the Condors keeping years. We are not like other nations who hold to a birth date and nothing else, we hold two dates. Thus, counting has a quaint and special […]

  • Chloe’s Letter: Distress and Regimes

    To His Serene Reigning Majesty, King of the Solune, Oh father, what will I do? Father, I hope this letter reaches you well. There is no conventional route directly between the Lussa City and and The Solune Kingdom. The conventional route is all the way around, to the Djeb and then across the desert. It […]

  • The Solune Prince: Sun Kiss the Moon 

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 1 Sun Kiss the Moon Foreword Thank you for visiting, this is my first full-length novel. Please be forgiving of the quality, as this is the second draft of the manuscript. The writing quality picks up a few chapters in, if you are willing to take it that far. […]

  • The Solune Prince: Jagged Assembly III

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 18: Jagged Assembly III [Link to part 1: The Solune Prince: Jagged Assembly I] [Author’s Note: This is the last chapter that came out before the six month hiatus of The Solune Prince. After this, the writing gets a lot…well, a bit smoother.] Natasha approached the elevated thrones, moving past where she […]

  • Categorization: An Unsound Guide to Characters [Part 1!]

    High Achieving Women Openness: 99th Percentile Chloe Rhye, GE Age 14-26 (Adjusted. True age: 830-990) Female, Solune, Incel/Married/Widowed. Apprentice Healer > Autodidactic Study > Liberal Arts BA > History BA > Mentor > Secondary Teacher > Military > Lawyer/Poet > Expedition Leader > Elsara > ? (Born year 3171 by the old calendar, around 16/800 […]

  • Digression I

    This is an aside from The Solune Prince. It is placed between and Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. (The Solune Prince Contents) Within every man it comes From every mind it comes There is no escaping it— Except through death. The actions of the day are remembered Only now, during its process. Thoughts and tribulations […]

  • The Solune Prince: Mental/Physical Resisance

    The Solune Prince  Novella 1 Chapter 4 Mental/Physical Resistance “Why did I say anything? Was it nerves perhaps?”   Chloe exited the castle. The city had been built around the stone building’s backside, which meant that in order to get into the city, she had to exit from the front, walk half a kilocubit, and […]

  • The Solune Prince: Decision, InConcision

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 3: Decision, InConcision Morning came, but far too slowly. Chloe woke up mired, she felt as if she had slept a fraction of the hours that she’d spent in bed. When she awoke, time seemed to be moving faster than normal. She was used to mornings like this, days […]