Tag: novel

  • What do I do about Editing and Revision regarding Creative Writing?

    I have been consistently writing creatively since 2017, so as of writing this it’s been 6 years. The helpful answer is that I find that once I’m already editing I actually enjoy it, even if I resist starting. So the answer is to just start, and worry about liking it after. The more difficult answer […]

  • War and Peace – On the History of the War

    Of the Unfortunate Renewal of the Napoleonic War in 1811 From the close of the year 1811 an intensified arming and concentrating of the forces of Western Europe began, and in 1812 these forces—millions of men, reckoning those transporting and feeding the army—moved from the west eastwards to the Russian frontier, toward which since 1811 […]

  • Vignette: The Solune Prince [Community]

    It took a few minutes, but Annissette returned, out of breath, holding an instrument that looked strange to the Solune members of the room. “Here! Here! What do you make of this? Isn’t it similar?” She said, overflowing with energy and joy. It had a long neck and five strands, four doubled, for a total […]

  • Timeline, a Novel by Michael Crichton: A Great Narrative Study of the Dark Ages

    Review: Timeline, by Michael Crichton. The story is strong, but acts more like a survey of the past. The events are good enough. The characters are actually great; very realistic, and subtle. I am not just an avid reader, I also have seven years of academic Literary Criticism experience under my belt, so believe me […]

  • The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth Alone.

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 28: Walk the Earth Alone. The Legendary Event was similar to a war, but it is technically to be seen as an invasion. An invasion of giants. They had come over the north wall and directly into Hannibal. They had come because they found the taste of the Solune […]

  • The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth; Horde

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 27: Walk the Earth; Horde They were on higher ground now. The top of the bluffs was less than a person high, and would have been easy to climb if they had wanted. The Elken forest continued to brood on their left, threatening and black as night. Chloe and […]

  • The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth; Hannibal and Beyond

    The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth; Hannibal and Beyond

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 26: Walk the Earth; Hannibal and Beyond This area is too confined and the footing is poor. It would be wise not to linger. Kratos Aurion Travelling within the kingdom was easy: Follow the roads north. Chloe’s group arrived in Hannibal, the largest city in the kingdom before nightfall. […]

  • The Solune Prince: Fly By Day

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 25: Fly By Day Chloe headed back to the armoury, which was awkwardly positioned near the front entrance of the castle; out from the throne room and to the right. It was very busy inside. At times like this, it was common for the Castle Guard to double as […]

  • The Solune Prince: Covered then Silence

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 24: Covered then Silence The wedding was a modest one, but gloriously held in the throne room. It was early in the morning. The only attendees were the Solune family; those who were in the kingdom at the time. Rhye, Gwenhime, Kent and Senica, Natasha, and Chloe.   – […]

  • Mumblings from Hannibal

    This is a very short piece that was removed from a chapter of The Solune Prince. I added the context to make this post interesting, and worth reading. The parts that were cut out are italicized. The Solune Prince Novella 1 Digression IIII: Mumblings from Hannibal … Astore left to prepare their exit through the […]

  • The Solune Prince: The Last of Solune Nights

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 23: The Last of Solune Nights “I said stop fighting—oh. Alice, go help them.” “But my work day is over! I build half this arena.” Alice made a pouty face. Finch laughed on her behalf. Natasha’s gaze was enough. The little Painkind woman ran to help carry the ex-criminal. […]

  • The Solune Prince: The Arena Part3; Civil Raze

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 22: The Arena Part3; Civil Raze The words missed her comprehension, but she was still able to process other noises; the familiar sound of practice weapons hitting each other. Chloe hadn’t lost consciousness, but she had allowed herself to rest. Right there, on the grass beside the arena. She […]

  • The Solune Prince: The Arena Part2; The Prince

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 21: The Arena Part2; The Prince “Done!” Natasha shouted. Lilllith and Senica’s duel ended. Lilllith said, “You’re trained in unarmed fighting. I should have known, you look like you’re from the Djeb.” “I…” Senica was out of breath. “You’re fairly skilled, but you lack strength. This we can fix. […]

  • The Solune Prince: The Arena Part1

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 20: The Arena Part1 [Author Note: there’s a chance the arena section will be removed or replaced in later drafts. It is a little out of place, serves a purpose that could be expressed elsewhere, and, well, the pacing is already pretty bad in “Novella 1.”] <<Previous chapter <Table […]

  • The Solune Prince: Chapter 19

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 19: [Untitled] [Author’s Note: It’s been six months, did you miss me? Or perhaps Chloe Rhye? Haha] <<<<<Chapter 1 <<Previous chapter <Table of Contents> Chloe stood and sort of tumble-pranced down the throne steps to at equal footing with her parents. They stood and discussed the details of the […]

  • The Solune Prince: Mental/Physical Resisance

    The Solune Prince  Novella 1 Chapter 4 Mental/Physical Resistance “Why did I say anything? Was it nerves perhaps?”   Chloe exited the castle. The city had been built around the stone building’s backside, which meant that in order to get into the city, she had to exit from the front, walk half a kilocubit, and […]

  • The Solune Prince: Decision, InConcision

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 3: Decision, InConcision Morning came, but far too slowly. Chloe woke up mired, she felt as if she had slept a fraction of the hours that she’d spent in bed. When she awoke, time seemed to be moving faster than normal. She was used to mornings like this, days […]

  • The Solune Prince: Deliberation through Dreams

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 2 Deliberation through Dreams Chloe continued, “Post Script: “Due to the grand nature of this request, I am sending one of my most trusted men, Lilllith of the Royal Guard to negotiate on behalf of the Royal Title. Likely, she will test the worth and potential of you, our […]