Tag: musings

  • What do I do about Editing and Revision regarding Creative Writing?

    I have been consistently writing creatively since 2017, so as of writing this it’s been 6 years. The helpful answer is that I find that once I’m already editing I actually enjoy it, even if I resist starting. So the answer is to just start, and worry about liking it after. The more difficult answer […]

  • Woes of Publishing and How I had to Pivot this Website

    Over the last month, I made a realization that forced me (in many ways) to completely alter the way in which this blog is run. This realization resulted in a feeling of great loss. It reminds me of a portion in Steve Carell the film, Little Miss Sunshine, in which one of the protagonists, a […]

  • Moments

    I have shared precious moments from so far afar;And I hope to share so much more for sure…. Shaking weavingDucking, heaving… Can I hope for love;Can I ask for you…. And yet…Rupture, repair Devotion, though less intense,Can revive and resurrectAny lost love, in some respect. So welcome home,My Kingdom below,Down here on earth,Because I have […]

  • Purgèd Youthful Earth

    She was nocturnal, feminine;She came only at night. I cut my fingers off.¹It was upon confession that the joy left us, And instead she became the night woman. Only at nightLoving at night,And cooling the day. Chilled the day, summer passed in frigid bipolarity, My heart burned out to compensate.And in the cool cold winter,She […]

  • Should We Really “Keep Dialogue Short” ?

    (Republish, Second Edition) Across blog posts, forums, and subreddits, there seems to be an almost universal rule in the online writing community. That notion that dialogue should be kept short, or even avoided. It isn’t as common as advice like “show don’t tell” or “don’t use the passive voice.” All three rules of thumb are […]

  • Chloe’s Letter: Distress and Regimes

    To His Serene Reigning Majesty, King of the Solune, Oh father, what will I do? Father, I hope this letter reaches you well. There is no conventional route directly between the Lussa City and and The Solune Kingdom. The conventional route is all the way around, to the Djeb and then across the desert. It […]

  • Musings on the Lussa City

    The Lussa City was designed in my mind as old and messy. It is unlike the Djeb city-state, which is layered on the old, built on a solid foundation they had found in the desert sands, which turned out to be the sunken ruins of a previous civilization. Even their architecture are layered, the roofs […]

  • Forgotten Until Further Notice.

    Fathoms 1/5 Au.3.2018 (Ma.20.2019) I’ll be a while Because I need to see the sun set What will we do? Who am I to ask such a question? Will we stay two And you know how I feel about you You don’t know all the things I could do I could save me from the […]

  • (“There was a Soul”)

    There was a soul, She came with outstretched arms. She wracked herself, she wracked her mind. She felt awake, she felt alive.   They say the soul is feminine, she is inside. Take care of her, take care of your mind.   Echo through the forges of time, Wonder where you draw the line, Walk […]

  • The First of 2019 (Poem!)

    Concussion, the mind twists around depression, Around a question, Swimming in madness. It flows from the nose, Warm, red and fiction. Wonders where I will take it, I am the master but the mind it fights back. I am the master, so it seems, but to shift is no easy task. Happy New Year. How […]

  • Impressions, Fathoms and Whatnots.

    Some short poetry (and whatnot) mostly culled from my recent twitter: @DaniellTriumph :3 1 Alexandre on the Harpsichord. Playing a few things… 1, 2. 2a They marry young and you, look at them And their joy and Judge them Through resentful eyes. (3)2b Then you realize, The music is all tragedies, It’s time to stop drag […]

  • A Blog Post

    I’m very happy that I managed to get the next chapter of The Solune Prince out on schedule. It was a stuggle, my internet is being finicky, and so is my brain. Thus, the chapter is a little short, but it is out! It exists! Ah! You can read it here! https://danieltriumph.com/2018/12/13/the-solune-prince-jagged-assembly-ii/

  • Reflect Deflex

    Honestly, I have no idea what this is about. It’s vaguely political for sure. Maybe you can have a go at it, as Northrop Frye says: The poet is not the ultimate judge of his art. (Though he can put on the “critic hat” so to speak, and become one of the many critics for […]

  • Alexandre Dirge’s Commonplaces

    Some Excerpts from Alexandre Dirge’s Commonplace book.

  • Fathom’s Second

    The prequel to Fathom’s S***** II Fathom’s Second (or, Fathom’s Moment, because there are two seconds in a moment.) Obviously, this was written for direct consumption by a certain someone, but I’ll also share, so here you go. Daniel Triumph Fathom’s Moment Au.3.2018 I’ll be a while Because I need to see the sun set […]

  • “Daaaan”’s Epic list of Albums

    These are my favourite albums, off the top of my head. I listen to a small list of great bands and that’s it. Obviously, this list was made for a girl. Best Crucible (Halford) [a favourite] Falling Up (Falling Up) Youthanasia (Megadeth) [thinking of you] Screaming for Vengeance (Judas Priest) Super Collider (Megadeth) [The haters […]