Alexandre Dirge’s Commonplaces

Please do not share my ideas with the intent to slander.
– Alexandre “Jutt” Dirge, BA Kēmeía.

P.S.: “man,” or specifically, “lowercase ‘m’ man,” refers to both men and women in the following passages. When a distinction is to be made regarding gender, capitals will be used. Thus:

There is a special case for husbands and wives, whom I hold in an esteem well above “man.” (For I am alone, and it is not good that the man should be alone; I require a help meet for me.)

man = Men and Women. Hu-man, mankind.
Man = a man who is with penis.
Woman = a man who is with uterus.
Husband = a Man who has has a lawful relationship contract with a Woman.
Wife = a Woman who has a lawful relationship contract with a Man.
Married = I have sex organs, and I am not afraid to use them with my spouse (and therefore am terrified to use them with anyone else).

On Those Who would Betray you, and Those Who May have Virtue.

A man who value survival at any cost is a sinner.
They will take advantage of you; they are always at war.
Fight or flight dampens the senses and sickens the body.
Allow that I illustrate using an example:
Survivalists will do anything (to anyone) to survive.
They will lie—they live within lies—
—and use those lie to justify
Their disgusting habits.
This is not virtue.

If you are “just trying to get by,” then you are like the rest of us.
This is sufficient for a good life, but it hollowing (empty).
Man can do better. Aim higher.

If you are always looking for something better,
But you feel as though you are never getting ahead,
Look behind you.
Shut the fuck up.
Lo, your life is always improving!
Be grateful, you fuck.
If you’ve made the world a slightly better place,
With various little or great interactions,
Then it’s time to start acting like the hero you are.

What is a Woman, when she is not a “man”?

As a Woman, I can confirm that woman appear to be primarily useless.
Even now, as I get my masters degree in Kemia, I have contributed nothing to the world.
There is, of course, a shift that comes in most Women’s lives,
When they become the most valuable class of human on the planet,
According to the old axiom: Women and Children first.

The time between marriage (from whence there is no escape) and parenthood;
That is when a Woman is truly the most valuable, in the eyes of society.
However, they are still of little worth.
It is not until a Woman has a child that she herself is forced to exit childhood.
Suddenly, at the moment she holds her infant,
She becomes masculine. Focused.
As the child grows, and becomes more independent, so does she.
Two children or more is mandatory, for
One child is a slow, dull torture to inflict on a family unit.
Children must be socialized, as the Woman must.
A single child is like a single parent. Useless and damaged at worst,
Certainly sub-optimal at best.
My mother used to say:
“Do your best, Alexandre, my lone child. Find some friends. You don’t have to be so unfriendly all the time.”
But if I deny myself for friends,
I am more alone than when I started.

After Marriage and becoming with child, ideally in the late twenties,
Life truly begins.
Everything before this moment was in a flux state.
A man who stands for nothing accomplishes nothing.
A Wife and Husband who stand for a family,
(And better, for children,)
Find second in the home,
First in the bedchamber,
Their passions and intimacy, within,
While without they find a greater degree of success.
Stand for something. I will stand for family.

Thanks for listening, ἐφημερίς. No one does like you, save the Lord.
For, when I dare speak what I believe, they hate me And so I am bullied in this way, into silence.

Censor Me - Copy

Daniel Triumph.

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