Category: Dawngale

  • Which Fantasy my Genre? High Fantasy? Epic Fantasy?

    Is it even fantasy at all? For me writing fantasy was by complete accident. Judging by what I read predominantly when I was growing up, I should be a science fiction writer. Especially the more speculative, contemporary sort of Science Fiction like Stargate and Jurassic Park. What happened instead was that I got into Terry […]

  • Drafting: Attempting a New First Chapter of TSP

    Recently, I began working more seriously with my novels. At present, I am revising and preparing The Solune Prince for indie publication. This is taking me a bit more work than I expected, and the reason is that the first draft of Book 1 of The Solune Prince had some issues. Don’t get me wrong, […]

  • Woes of Publishing and How I had to Pivot this Website

    Over the last month, I made a realization that forced me (in many ways) to completely alter the way in which this blog is run. This realization resulted in a feeling of great loss. It reminds me of a portion in Steve Carell the film, Little Miss Sunshine, in which one of the protagonists, a […]

  • Reflexions on Wedlock

    Do you want statistics? No, we know the state of the affair well enough. Misery. And what then? Does the heart move across the sky? I thought not. And yet… Across the land, across the nation and further into the next, I have been bound. For other nobility, marriage is a very public and procedural […]

  • Solune Sovereignim: Beta Version (Part 1)

    Ancient peoples held to ancient standards, ancient laws, and ancient morals. This is a story of ancient times, and its contents may walk the edges of our current sensibilities. In fact, I am not the correct person to be writing it. I hold not only a less severe view of morality, but also a sharp […]

  • The Developed State of The Solune Prince

    I have developed my own new writng method which includes both planning and a lot of spontaneity, and even integrates a third element, editing, into the mix without getting hung up on it.

  • Chloe’s Journal (Entry 2)

    The first days of my journey. What have I done? I volunteered to take on this task, this diplomatic mission, but…what will I do? This is my first time on such a quest, and I have taken it on all alone…why… Yet—no, father sent Kent with me. He has experience in the role of a […]

  • The Demo Tapes: Alice and Finch – Primary Dawn

    The Demo Tapes Part 2 Alice and Finch – Chapter 1: Primary Dawn Revised (v1) Portfolio Edition Copyright © 2018 by Daniel Triumph Ever since she appeared in the Solune capital, Alice was always a point of interest. During her childhood, she had passively garnered followers among children within the neighbourhood. Later, others from around […]

  • Chloe’s Letter: Distress and Regimes

    To His Serene Reigning Majesty, King of the Solune, Oh father, what will I do? Father, I hope this letter reaches you well. There is no conventional route directly between the Lussa City and and The Solune Kingdom. The conventional route is all the way around, to the Djeb and then across the desert. It […]

  • Musings on the Lussa City

    The Lussa City was designed in my mind as old and messy. It is unlike the Djeb city-state, which is layered on the old, built on a solid foundation they had found in the desert sands, which turned out to be the sunken ruins of a previous civilization. Even their architecture are layered, the roofs […]

  • The Young Spectator

    She peered around the doorway, through the entrance. The room was full, as it usually was at this time. Usually, no one noticed her. (Someone always noticed.) Would she learn about those things during her schooling? Possibly, but it would be in later years. They had started a few minutes ago, so the room’s attention […]

  • Quartet (v2)

    She would rise in the middle of the night on some nights, the long nights, and wander to the window. I only began to notice when I started sleeping as much as she did. I would feel her movement during the lighter portions of my sleep. One night, I woke up and saw her creep […]

  • Bare Handed

    Jason Arson walked through the streets, sliding leather gloves onto his fingers as he went. They were mostly to distance himself from any actions he made while wearing them. It was a single degree of separation, but for him it was enough. Jason tried to run a tight schedule, but he was twenty minutes behind, […]

  • The Lussa Confederation

    Cerulllus, by the grace of THE NAME Ruler of ALL LANDS: We the Priest Poets address you; King of the Lussa People, Progeny of the Sollussa Nation; in council relating the succession of thrones and the citizenship of slaves. BEGINNING Due to the horrific, unstable, and enstrifed histories of our people; especially of yours, who […]

  • Quartet

    [Version 1. 1504 words. Short story.] She would rise in the middle of the night on some nights, the long nights, and wander to the window. I only began to notice when I started sleeping as much as she did. One night we wandered away down the halls. Our house of a decent size for […]

  • The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth Alone.

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 28: Walk the Earth Alone. The Legendary Event was similar to a war, but it is technically to be seen as an invasion. An invasion of giants. They had come over the north wall and directly into Hannibal. They had come because they found the taste of the Solune […]

  • The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth; Horde

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 27: Walk the Earth; Horde They were on higher ground now. The top of the bluffs was less than a person high, and would have been easy to climb if they had wanted. The Elken forest continued to brood on their left, threatening and black as night. Chloe and […]

  • The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth; Hannibal and Beyond

    The Solune Prince: Walk the Earth; Hannibal and Beyond

    The Solune Prince Novella 1 Chapter 26: Walk the Earth; Hannibal and Beyond This area is too confined and the footing is poor. It would be wise not to linger. Kratos Aurion Travelling within the kingdom was easy: Follow the roads north. Chloe’s group arrived in Hannibal, the largest city in the kingdom before nightfall. […]