Reflect Deflex

Honestly, I have no idea what this is about. It’s vaguely political for sure. Maybe you can have a go at it, as Northrop Frye says: The poet is not the ultimate judge of his art. (Though he can put on the “critic hat” so to speak, and become one of the many critics for his or her work.)

I’ll also put a note about TSP at the end for those who read the serial.

They’re moving
Forces you do not know, but you could understand.
Missionary, anti-Missionary
Politics, the wake of war,

Cold wars are heating up again.
South Africa, kill the whites.
Don’t cover it, cover it up
Our permissible genocide
In the making.


Wake the sleeping giants, wake the beast
Don’t close your eyes don’t stop your feet.
We know, you know: Man is not judged
for what we did not know.

But is knowledge is power,
You know or ignore it,
The world may rot inside your fingers.
(That the world may know peace…)
To whom shall the blame be taken?
For whom does the bell toll?
Executive orders is not a strong plea.
Walk into the pain of the light,
And lift up the rocks,
Sear the parasite.

Watch world.
Watch the world.

Daniel Triumph.

Few references in this piece I have no issues pointing out:

  • Cold wars are heating up again. Megadeth, from “Blackmail the Universe.”
  • South Africa, kill the whites. This is literally happening. Racism, torture, death. And the mass media is silent on it for some reason… (can you guess why? White people can’t be victims!) Katie Hopkins is keeping an eye on it. Here’s a decent link if you’re interested:
  • Wake the sleeping giants, wake the beast. Metallica, from “Shoot Me Again”
  • That the world may know peace… This was a sort of mantra that a few characters from Oretachi Ni Tsubasa Wa Nai (…Under the Innocent Sky) said when he was stressed. It’s an anime, although it’s definitely rated 18+, so keep that in mind if you want to look into it. (Talked about it a bit in an old blog piece of mine.)
  • For whom does the bell toll? A loose reference to Metallica’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” To be honest, I’m not that familiar with the song, just the title. I really only know St. Anger.
  • Reflex Deflex. A reference to a type of bow. It’s a form of longbow/recurve bow.

For readers of The Solune Prince!

The 17th chapter, Jagged Assembly II, will be out, for sure, next Thursday. Of course, this doesn’t count as a “missed week” according to the schedule, as I set as guarantees every second week OR every week.

It’s exam time, and the safety net of every second week is in play here. Anyway, see you then. Looks like the narrative is getting a cool little sub plot for a few of the characters.

Here are some links:

Have fun! Bye!

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