Category: One Off

  • Drafting: Attempting a New First Chapter of TSP

    Recently, I began working more seriously with my novels. At present, I am revising and preparing The Solune Prince for indie publication. This is taking me a bit more work than I expected, and the reason is that the first draft of Book 1 of The Solune Prince had some issues. Don’t get me wrong, […]

  • Scene: Contemplating the Stranger

    Exercise 3 – This is a creative writing exercise that I wrote in May of 2021. Scene: Rewrite the following story… I stopped short in front of the stranger. They sent me interrogate him, and I was on the case. I mulled over my approach. I didn’t want to judge a book by its cover, […]

  • “The Old Ball and Chain”

    “The old ball and chain…” “Do you mean a morningstar? Or a medieval flail?” “…You could call her that.”

  • Sessions

    The more a person knows, the more their fears have to work with. I felt like all my past achievements were…worthless.And how do you feel now?The same. But I’ve realized I feel like everyone’s achievements are worthless.So now you believe your previous work has value.No, now I believe I’m in no place to judge. Why […]

  • [Short Story: Detective Scene]

    (Consider this a practice exercise / short story.) He had spent too long checking the shelves. Why would a killer leave anything on a shelf? But the floors, the desk, nothing in the office showed any apparent signs of tampering apart from the door, which had been picked open a little too roughly. There was […]

  • Further Leftovers

    1 The call is too strong. And where it isn’t strong, it’s loud. And where it isn’t loud, it’s subtle. 2 The Book They studied the item for decades. A sacred order formed to explore its secrets. And then one day, an exile returned to the city, revealed a key, and unlocked it. No one […]

  • Of Pressing

    Of Pressing (Verbose Edition), A Poem Thumbs of pressure bear down. He cries in pain.They cried out for you.He stands alone. Roams for help.No allies east or west. A sad creature.Ignorance, superstitions washes about.To persecute; subdue, dehumanization, history has shown, is where to start.“The lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our upper classes,Make the people […]

  • The Young Spectator

    She peered around the doorway, through the entrance. The room was full, as it usually was at this time. Usually, no one noticed her. (Someone always noticed.) Would she learn about those things during her schooling? Possibly, but it would be in later years. They had started a few minutes ago, so the room’s attention […]

  • The Solune Prince: [Workshop II]

    Let us look into the future for a moment, as we did here. He shook her awake frantically. It didn’t matter. He had to know that she hadn’t died or worse. She had died, but she wasn’t dead any more. The romance in her heart wanted to believe that he had brought her to life, […]

  • I saw it, only half the annum past.

    And I will shred And deteriorate But only for a moment I saw it, only half the annum past. And now I walk in front, when I can When I can When I can. Fathom’s Qart.

  • The Order of the Hammer

    The Order of the Hammer From which they taketh the gear, And from which he taketh the gold. For he will step silently among you, Though troublesome, not nearly as deadly as the one who taketh the gear, Who taketh the order, who taketh the builder And cover him over. My order, the old order, […]

  • Reflect Deflex

    Honestly, I have no idea what this is about. It’s vaguely political for sure. Maybe you can have a go at it, as Northrop Frye says: The poet is not the ultimate judge of his art. (Though he can put on the “critic hat” so to speak, and become one of the many critics for […]

  • The Solune Prince: [Workshop I]

    A couple things before the piece starts. You can skip ahead if you just want to get to the narrative. First: This is a lightly edited sort of experiment. This piece projects itself into a much later chapter of The Solune Prince. Short background, the general concept is sort of a “coming of age” story […]

  • First, they Spake

    This is a very strange and very abstract piece. I would like to emphasize that I don’t particularly like it, but as Northrop Frye states, the poet is not the ultimate judge of his or her work. What do you think? First, she dated the woman, consumed in chaos. She moved over the waters and […]

  • Portfolio. (v4.4a)

    [Alice and Finch ? Wavering✓ The Hero✓ Span✓ Djeb✓ Inck✓] Cover page for readers: This is only a fifteen page portfolio, double spaced (despite what it may seem). In fact it’s shorter than one might expect because poetry uses a lot of lines. The portfolio can be easily navigated using the navigation tools (ctrl + […]

  • Writing 0008

    From nagging to stabbing From craning to crushing Walking to running Seeing to touching Rocking to shouting Metal to steel Knock on the wheel. Touch push Hands in the grinder Push flush Run through by the lance. Dance, come with the lace Feel the pain You have nothing Know thyself Thy useless domains Weakness will […]

  • Tell me a story that you cherish. (v2, standalone)

    Tell me a story that you cherish. (v2, standalone)

    (v1 of this piece was in the short anthology, Passive Progressions.) This was written in September, when my life was more stable because she was not talking to me. Now, it’s a little different. Horray, for Chaos has returned to me once again! A Romantic: A person with beliefs or attitudes of mystery, excitement, and […]

  • Time: The Beginning

    1 I used to message her whenever she came to mind, An inbox sprinkled with messages. Now she’s gone (a line that is cliché) And all I can do is look. Has she been here? Has she seen this? The answer is For now, but maybe not forever, No. She is gone. I miss her. […]