Time: The Beginning


I used to message her whenever she came to mind,
An inbox sprinkled with messages.

Now she’s gone (a line that is cliché)
And all I can do is look.

Has she been here? Has she seen this? The answer is

For now, but maybe not forever,
No. She is gone.

I miss her.



If you found me in the darkness
Would you fight for my equality
If you found that I had darkness
Would you protect me and my harshness?


The weak avoid.
“The quickest way to end the war is lose.”

The strong dive in.
“If you try, if you don’t die, you’ll end up black and blue.”




Statements Stolen from Twitter and Shuffled

The real reason Canadians apologize is because we really are rude, but then we feel bad about it after.

I sold my cunning got sincerity a long time ago. Now I just…offend people.

Aubrey Plaza exists.

There are just so many Russian women on Instagram.

Some people do not accept apologies. They block you instead.

Bring down upon them the lightning of judgment.


Write a book they want to read again.
And again.


Got rain.

Then I remembered there are people who actually lose chapters or books to digital corruption and power outages and now I feel better haha.

At least my imaginary video game friends believe in me


Bed time.

The Solune Prince: The Aftermath of Thought; (or The N’Tariel Talent)

Mithos: Sublime Idealist

Lloyd: Gentle Idealist


Oh, you’re worldbuilding? A bit too much you say?
Why did you make a new world? Ask yourself.
If the answer cannot be found, then you made it for yourself.

It’s time to stop worldbuilding and start doing something for your reader and not for you. Write.


Woke up sick. LOVE SICK!

A drum beats for me.
It’s louder every day.
The cadence tells me that
soon I’ll meet
My judgment day.

My judgment day.
my judgment day.

The game I play has caused a lot of grief
They were dying for fame, so I obliged them some relief
” (Megadeth 1999).


Am I doomed to just draw angry women now

The weak run and hide
I speak things confide
In me fear no the edge
Of life of my knife run and

I’ll cut your flesh.
(From Alexandre Dirge’s diary)


Treat others as you want to be treated? Wrong. I want to be argued with until one person loses.

Alexander Dirge has a better proverb: “Treat others as a mother would her child’s friends.”

Although she continues…

“Avoid touching them, be nice, assume that they are stupid.”

Twitter Questions no one ever Answered.

does microsoft own snapchat

You ever get the sudden urge to passionately bulldoze all the traffic in your area?

Do video games make you violent or am I just violent

Okay, so my Swastika Laboratory coworkers convinced me not to try speed.
My Rhetoric professor convinced me not to try cocaine.
Anyone have an issue with psychedelics?

Why is there no wizard Jesus?
Casting the Word from his magic tome, The Holy Bible?

I feel useless

Where is my lady? :3 I have her hugs

That the world may know peace…
Time is moving faster tonight.



Anti-Anti-Sonnet: Follow the Rules no matter What
By: Daniel Triumph

I’ll be there for you, when you walk throu’th’ fire
I’ll be there for you, when the flames get high’r
When, oh, nothing fits and nothing seems right
Till the last breath of my life, I’ll be there
(I’ll be There, Megadeth 199—

And, I believe you’ll be there for me too.

Do your actions speak louder? I hope so.

And all this time, and you have been so kind.
<don’t read this line it is just fil·ler here.>

— / — Come to me at your weakest,
— / And I’ll put you in your sleepest.

Time: The Beginning

By Megadeth

Father time, I’m running late
I’m winding down, I’m growing tired
Seconds drift into the night
The clock just ticks till my time expires

You were once my friend
Now I know I can’t tie your hands
The days I saved I couldn’t spend
They fell like sand through the hourglass
No time to lose, no time to choose

Time taking time, it’s taken mine
Scenes of my life seem so unkind
Time chasing time creeps up behind
I can’t run forever, and time waits for no one
Not even me

An enemy I can’t defend
My final place a deadly end
Life’s just a speck in space
Dreams of an eternal resting place

I can’t get any younger
Time has brutal hunger

Time taking time, it’s taken mine
Scenes of my life seem so unkind
Time chasing time creeps up behind
I can’t run forever, and time waits for no one, waits for no one
Not even me

© Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC,Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.

see you next time.
Do you wonder what part 2 will be like?
Find the preview…Time: The End.
Or, if this sentence becomes a link, click here.

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