Tag: twitter

  • Impressions, Fathoms and Whatnots.

    Some short poetry (and whatnot) mostly culled from my recent twitter: @DaniellTriumph :3 1 Alexandre on the Harpsichord. Playing a few things… 1, 2. 2a They marry young and you, look at them And their joy and Judge them Through resentful eyes. (3)2b Then you realize, The music is all tragedies, It’s time to stop drag […]

  • Time: The Beginning

    1 I used to message her whenever she came to mind, An inbox sprinkled with messages. Now she’s gone (a line that is cliché) And all I can do is look. Has she been here? Has she seen this? The answer is For now, but maybe not forever, No. She is gone. I miss her. […]