Fathom’s Qart

We’re nearly done, ladies and gentlemen.
Just have to calm the animal spirit, and we can continue this journey.

I would like to thank Dr. Nasser Hussain for encouraging me to return to this piece and fix the verse and meter.


I’ll be a while
Because I need to see the sun set
What will we do?
Who am I to ask such a question?
Will we stay two
And you know how I feel about you
You don’t know all the things I could do
I could save me from the twilight…

Thought you were gone
We don’t know how you feel on it too, do you…
And I guess I was right for a moment
And I guess that I should’ve known better than to think
Think that I could ever known a moment
What your beautiful soul Innocence that’s within
Our modesty, temperance rarely infringed, and

What do I do
Because I really’d hoped to have known you
And through all of my hands now it passed through
I just wish that I’d had my good judgement
Because I think about you oftentimes
And I’ll have to find my own way now
And I wonder if where I would find you
And I wonder

If you would love me if I did
Because you don’t always make it when I do
What does it mean
That all my hands

—They have changed since I met you

And now my mind’s turned around I can tell you
And it has been for the best I can prove you

From the trauma, rethinking; the pressure, and
How do I know
Do I know which is good which is poor and
And I want to ask —but
Deals subject to whim And it comes back to us.
You know I think it’s obvious that
That we are both have a hand in this place
And I said to myself oh how futile
Because you know we both know— we both know—

And did I say I would wait?
And did you hear when I called out your name?
“And now what have I done”
I would think on it over and over
Because I really had thought it was over
And then you touched once again,
You know it isn’t too late to saw we were wrong
And we know I’ll make sure don’t regret it
Don’t regret anything that we’ve done
I’ll make sure that I wait for a moment,
Just don’t wait too long because you know it
Know that if it’s maintained then it stays—
And I really don’t know how you see it
But I’d rather we find our own eden
And that maybe some day I would notice

If you walked beneath the treetops

And if I saw that you were walking there
And if were all alone and even if you were not,
I would call out your name.

Daniel Triumph.

Last of the Last Act: Table of Contents

I highly suggest you check out the following songs:
Finn Hatches a Plan
Addicted to Chaos

This version of Fathom’s Second was created for 3rd year Creative Writing portfolio. The original was created for Luisa, and so was this.

This is, as noted above, nearly the final chapter. I will be taking the fumes of my affection, and likely writing a final act.

If you need more, there’s this.

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