Very Large Announcement

Very large.

Current Projects

The Solune Prince

The first (and second) draft(s) of The Solune Prince’s first novella are coming to an end. On paper, I’ve completed fourteen chapters, and the blog has up to chapter eleven primed and set for the following few Thursdays (with occasional breaks, as usual), whereas the manuscript in my word processor brings that up to twelve.






This number changes a LOT (usually, it gets bigger as I find out that some chapters need to be split up for pacing and atmospheric reasons). Suffice to say, this is only Novella one of nine or ten, so it will not be too long or else no one would ever read it. (Unless they also read Tolstoy’s bloated monstrosities.)



I write so I take my time and remember it better. It is a very deliberate and loving action.

Word Processed


I type to prepare it and make sure everything fits. This is what will be edited and turned into a full novella PDF, and possibly published properly.



This is my safety window. I have a few week’s worth of writing scheduled, so I can take my time and not worry.

Online at


Waiting to be read (and loved :3) or at least viewed/criticised so I can improve.

Recorded and on Soundcloud


I made the first couple recordings mostly as a preview or advertisement. The rest are for a certain someone. (I would have finished them without her, of course, but not as expediently.)

Hopefully those who enjoyed Novella 1 will join me for the others as well, and complete the story of Chloe Rhye’s late coming of age.


I think the biggest one, apart from my novel, is the audio recordings for The Solune Prince, currently on both Youtube and Soundcloud.


YouTube: I invite you to subscribe to the channel, Daniel Triumph

Soundcloud: Follow my soundcloud,

Sabbath City

With the anticipated launch of Sabbath City, there’s going to be a huge shift in the way this site functions. I don’t know how long it will take, perhaps years, but soon I will have two websites. One that is like this, a place of calm reading, without any marketing. (If there are any ads on my site, please blame WordPress, not me…), and another where I will put things up for sale. Merchandising. It is soon time to cash in on whatever value the free market will judge me worthy.

HeartBeat - Copy


Yeah, I have no idea. Writing. Reading. In University. Trying to trade services and goods for money.


Daniel Triumph.

P.S.: I love you :3

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