Concrete Poetry Collection

This is an anthology post of my recent exploration into photographic and concrete poetry.

St(.)Rangers second draft. (09.06.2018)

XXX by Alexandre (09.04.2018)

Megadeth lyrics, red prismacolor, printer paper, on a door (copyright Megadeth, 1985)

Mastering the Work Clock (08.31.2018)

Millennial + Gen Z (Romantic version) (08.30.2018)

Goth Ewe II (AKA my coworker friend and Gothic Blackletter) (08.24.2018)

Modern Art without Hate Speech (07.11.2018)

>:3 (Rough Draft) (08.24.2018)

The Lye (08.25.2018)

Instagram Poetry for Someone… (08.25.2018)

Yes, I can Help You with your Chemistry. Yes, I can look that up for You. (08.27.2018)

Part of the Bitch I’m trying to Marry (08.27.2018)

Love in Pentasyllable (08.29.2018)

Guest writer (not mine)

The Second Final Stand (09.02.2018)

Trying to Write (09.04.2010)

No comment. (Today)

Daniel Triumph.

My Novel 🔗

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