Wither’s Shine

Last of the Last Act: 4 – Wither’s Shine

Let me repeat
What I said
To You
In my head.

Only yesterday, you told me you were gone
All these normal people, will I find another one?
These days I am a failure,
But I’m your protector.

You are?
I had danced alone for so long, uncertain
And I’ve come, so hopeful, and careful.
You make me curious but,
Ultimately it is not enough
And I have closed up.

The pain is absent this time.
My life goes on, and you?
Muted, muffled away
Fade away.
Please stop coming back
To my thoughts.

It’s what I wanted,
I never meant for this to happen.
And so, let’s keep safe
You won’t remember me,
And I can move on.

Let me repeat
What I said
In my head.

You’ll never know, and
So you want deliverance that fifteen years couldn’t bring?
Do you want to bury all the evidence so far down?
Where will you be in seven years, eight, chet?
And did I not work seven years for someone else
(And yet would you alone not have been enough?)
Because I will be founding my place in the world
For thirty-six or so.
However, high or low,
I am here to wrench the system.
And here to create my own.

But maybe it’s meant to be this way,
‘Cause we were the young in love.
And so we fell into each other.
And it was wonderous because
I could be myself, my worst self.
And we were both our worst self, but,
Somehow it was still fun,
And at times we still clicked.
And maybe for a moment it was eden,
But it can never be one sided,
And I can’t do it on my own.
Remember that you said,
One day you’ll walk alone?

I never said that, and yet,
I had to say goodbye.
Here’s my list of superficial reasons
I know you’ll never truly accept, but,
We both know where this can’t go.

What can I say?
What can I do,
But say thank you.
And repeat to You
What I said
In my head.

I will lose contact,
And I had lost battles.
And you had just watched me
In my miseries.

But always,
Be careful where you are.
Among these thieves, you do not belong,
Beneath the twilight, you are floating on.
And you should realize that,
As long as I’m alone, I am here.
I am still here, still walking forward,
Still forging my future,
Forging the future
Because I take my time with life.
We’re the new hope generation,
The last generation, say the sages,
can you hear the footsteps?

And now that you’re gone;
My eyes are wide open, saying
I want to take my time with love.
And want to marry young;
And I’ll cherish the good times,
And remember the bad,
And I’ll pray that you find someone good,
So maybe we’ll see.

The beshert is real, calling; bind!
And I’m letting go of my grip, finally.
And crying, and maybe we’ll talk again
But for now…

Where is my wife?
Where is my life?
Am I allowed home?
Or will I only sojourn,
All of my life?
So let me repeat to You what I said in my head.
That if I saw you walking there,
That I would call out your name,
But for the first time in my life,
I don’t know if you’d do the same.

Daniel Triumph.
I’ll figure it out.
The Final Act

  1. Fathom’s Qart
  2. Shed Tides
  3. Harbour, except I Don’t Drown
  4. Wither’s Shine
  5. Walk the Earth Alone
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