Table of Contents: The Demo Tapes

The Demo Tapes is what I’m calling the work, or versions of work, that I put in my most recent literary portfolio. Why? Because “portfolio” sounds boring, and “demo tape” sounds cool. I also love the music reference.

The Summer 2019 Portfolio was aggressively assembled in about a week, and vigorously edited with the help of my good friend, and my mom. It successfully got my into the third year creative writing sub. I hope you enjoy it as much as the professors at my university may or may not have!

[Please note that as of right now, the entirety of my portfolio has not been published. Keep an eye out, the site updates once a week!]

2020 Portfolio

[In Progress, to be published as part of an official project: The Demo Tapes: 2013-2020.]

2019 Portfolio

  1. Raze
    1. (If that link is broken, please try this older version: Dirge’s Second Operation)
  3. Grunge (see The Demo Tapes: 2013-2020)
    1. nge (Grunge, old version)
  4. Wraith Hail (Artifact Edition)
  5. Fathom’s Qart
  6. Chapter 6: The Assassin’s Secret; or The Lussa Part1

(The alternate version were not included in the submitted Portfolio.)

2018 Portfolio

  1. Alice and Finch – Primary Dawn

Pre-Portfolio versions (finalized versions to be published as part of an official project: The Demo Tape: 2013-2020.)

  1. The Hero and the Star
  2. Wavering
  3. Span (Chapters 1-3. Incomplete; shelved project)
  4. The Djeb Guard (extended original)
  5. Inck (Also know as “Alice and Finch – Negative Dawn”)

Proof of Skill exercises (reference poems / prose absent.)


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