Tales of Symphonia

The next few days of my life will be a sort of strange vacation. Me and 1-2 friends will be playing Tales of Symphonia in its entirety. So, most of my blog posts will be like this, a simple stream or youtube video of us playing this game,


So, if anyone is interested in watching me and my pals play this game, check it out! You can hear my voice and my opinions almost in person.

Here are the rules

  • Get a full grasp of the story and characters
  • Beat the game before Tuesday
  • Defeat Kuchinawa
  • Do all costume events
  • Do all character sidequests
  • Do all imposter events
  • Make early pacts
  • Do all Sword Dancer fights
  • Aifried Side Quest
  • Read all the books
  • Battle with all characters
  • Experience all Hi-Ougis
  • Devils Arms Quest

Enjoy! 😀

Old Goals: Tales of Symphonia: What I Plan to do

Daniel Triumph. (My Patreon)

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