Category: Symphonia

  • An Argument for Symphonia and its theme.

    An Argument for Symphonia and its theme.

    This was a reply to a reddit post that essentially stated that Symphonia was a bad game. The poster argued his point by comparing it to other tales games, instead of judging it on its own terms. I enjoyed the critique, but found it deeply flawed. This argument contains some spoilers for the first third […]

  • Tales of Symphonia

    The next few days of my life will be a sort of strange vacation. Me and 1-2 friends will be playing Tales of Symphonia in its entirety. So, most of my blog posts will be like this, a simple stream or youtube video of us playing this game, So, if anyone is interested in […]

  • Symphonia Overview: Ossa Trail to Palmacosta

    Symphonia Overview: Ossa Trail to Palmacosta

    Lost? Check out the Table of Contents!   Daniel Triumph. Facebook, Twitter, DeviantArt, Instagram. P.S. Check out what I plan to do with Tales of Symphonia, or the Table of Contents. Also, if you’re interested in buying the game, be sure to use one of my affiliate links: PlayStation 3, or GameCube.

  • Symphonia Overview: Triet to the Seal of Fire

    Symphonia Overview: Triet to the Seal of Fire

    Not sure what’s going on? Check out the Table of Contents This post reaches from the first arrival at Triet, to the Slyvarant base, to the Seal of Fire, and then ends right before the Ossa Trail. The Desert Oasis, Triet After a short romp south, stopping at a House of Salvation along the way […]

  • Tales of Symphonia: Glossary

    Tales of Symphonia: Glossary

    This page is under construction, but it’s still semi-functional. Terms are NOT in alphabetical order, instead they are in Chronological order. For more Tales of Symphonia content, please visit this page. Desians The Desians are an evil organization run by a group of half-elves. They run human ranches, where they put humans to work, mostly […]

  • Table of Contents: Tales of Symphonia

    Table of Contents: Tales of Symphonia

    Edit: this project is currently on hold. Tales of Symphonia has been my favourite game for nearly half my lifespan. So, I’ve started a project. There will be a lot of content coming, mostly documentation at the start, then some reviews and essays as well as character sketches for the main characters and also some […]

  • Symphonia Overview I: Iselia

    Symphonia Overview I: Iselia

    This post reaches from Iselia to the Exiling. The next post will be on Triet and the Seal of Fire! The Opening Tales of Symphonia opens with a monologue delivered by Kratos. I’ve memorized this little story, and I’ve even performed it to a crowd of hundreds as part of a community variety show. Not […]

  • Tales of Symphonia: What I Plan to do

    Tales of Symphonia: What I Plan to do

    [Update: Please note that this project has long be dropped. While I do hope one day to write a critical essay on Symphonia, and likely its characters (I think the story has enough to warrant it), the project laid out in this post ended around the time I returned to University. You can still read […]

  • Notes and Plans: Tales of Symphonia

    Notes and Plans: Tales of Symphonia

    Tales of Symphonia is my favourite video game of all time. It might also be my favourite narrative as well. Symphonia contains many twists, huge build up, a deep theme, and numerous culminating portions. There are large parts of the plot that I completely missed on my first and even second playthroughs. So, I’m starting […]