The Solune Prince

The Solune Prince is the story Chloe Rhye, Seventh Prince of the Solune.


“We sent half of the police force out into the desert to find Rottts, the heir. She became a mercenary. A month later they return, half of them dead the other half traumatized, okay? Like, that’s as nuts where I come from as it sounds to you. Not at all normal, not something that happens all the time, every day, you know?

“The leader Reagannt reports that they failed to find her. He reported to Riley, and Riley spread the word. Well, shortly after that Reagannt starts acting all weird. He tightens security, enforces a curfew, and like gets really strict. That’s not normal.

“The cops are… well, they’re doing everything you would expect a group to do before… before they overthrow a government.”

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Click here to read The Solune Prince!

The Solune Prince (Preview)

Note: after Act II, Scene xi there is a (hopefully) noticeable increase in effort.

Note: This series has been postponed/cancelled, and set to private.

Table of Contents

Act I

Act II


This page is occasionally behind. If you’re looking for the most recent chapters, check out the category here: Recent Chapters

First draft disclaimer:

This narrative is a first draft, and is therefore subject to grammar errors, repetitiveness, lack of clarity, and other issues. Later drafts will smooth such things over, but for now they remain. Please be tolerant.

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Daniel Triumph

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