Notes and Plans: Evidence

For those of you unaware, Evidence is the longest series that I’ve made on my blog so far. Alice and Finch was meant to be short, and is currently three parts with one prologue, and an epilogue in planning. Evidence had no plans for anything. I built the rails as I drove the train. I do like planning, however, so I’ve built rails a bit ahead of where, for example, a normal pantser might go.

Evidence was going to be simply a tense legal battle between Janna and her close sister, Chloe. While writing I realized that this was not enough to keep the reader, or myself, interested. I was going to have someone still be after her, trying to kill her in prison. Instead, I did something else that I won’t spoil for people who haven’t checked it out.

(Table of contents for Evidence here.)

Anyway, I’m happy where this piece is going, and it’s filling out a few thousands of words quite nicely. I honestly like it as a first draft and I’m actually excited to revise it and re-release a huge, sprawling document in the future!

The Plan.

I think that I’ve got about two or three more parts before we’re finished, with an epilogue on top of it all. Evidence will lead nicely into the Janna vs Zealott conflict. But where is Evidence going anyway? Well, in part 6, we’re right at the beginning of the second court session. It looks to be an intense setup, but I have no plans for it to be the last part of the trial. My more specific plans will be addressed in the bullets

  • I think I’ll have a couple, and maybe a third one for summary and verdict.
  • I also have to look into the head of Kain and the Elken poet. You can probably tell that Kain is a very undeveloped member of the Solune royalty, and I want to remedy that.
  • I’ll have to get Natasha started on the law reform, and maybe get her in the process of thinking about becoming a poet.
  • An epilogue will be very good, a high level summary of what is to become of Janna’s child.

You know, I’ve known that Janna had a kid at some point. I drew the young girl a couple years ago. I only just decided that the time for her birth was to be now.

Get on with it!

Why haven’t I released a part in three days? Well to be honest, I’m a little headsick. I think on top of that I’ve become squeamish. So when will part seven be out? I’m not sure, but the deadline is Friday night. So, expect it before then. Maybe I’ll even get around to it today, but honestly I feel like garbage. That’s why I wrote this, plans are far easier to write than fiction.

Want to get started? Follow the Evidence link!

Daniel Triumph.
Facebook, Twitter, DeviantArtInstagram.

P.S. Thanks to all the readers that have checked out such a long series. I know that most people don’t have a lot of time, and so to read over five thousand of my words means a lot.

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