Category: Short Story

  • Recurrance in Storytelling

    Here we go,From The Solune Prince, Draft 3. Chapter 1 Chloe jumped as the metal latch behind her clanged then stopped, dropping back into place. Whoever it was at the door paused and thought better than to walk in. Then a knock rang out through the heavy wood. “Speak,” She said, almost failing to hide […]

  • Sessions

    The more a person knows, the more their fears have to work with. I felt like all my past achievements were…worthless.And how do you feel now?The same. But I’ve realized I feel like everyone’s achievements are worthless.So now you believe your previous work has value.No, now I believe I’m in no place to judge. Why […]

  • [Short Story: Detective Scene]

    (Consider this a practice exercise / short story.) He had spent too long checking the shelves. Why would a killer leave anything on a shelf? But the floors, the desk, nothing in the office showed any apparent signs of tampering apart from the door, which had been picked open a little too roughly. There was […]

  • The Demo Tapes: Alice and Finch – Primary Dawn

    The Demo Tapes Part 2 Alice and Finch – Chapter 1: Primary Dawn Revised (v1) Portfolio Edition Copyright © 2018 by Daniel Triumph Ever since she appeared in the Solune capital, Alice was always a point of interest. During her childhood, she had passively garnered followers among children within the neighbourhood. Later, others from around […]

  • Quartet (v2)

    She would rise in the middle of the night on some nights, the long nights, and wander to the window. I only began to notice when I started sleeping as much as she did. I would feel her movement during the lighter portions of my sleep. One night, I woke up and saw her creep […]

  • The Lussa Confederation

    Cerulllus, by the grace of THE NAME Ruler of ALL LANDS: We the Priest Poets address you; King of the Lussa People, Progeny of the Sollussa Nation; in council relating the succession of thrones and the citizenship of slaves. BEGINNING Due to the horrific, unstable, and enstrifed histories of our people; especially of yours, who […]

  • Forgotten Until Further Notice.

    Fathoms 1/5 Au.3.2018 (Ma.20.2019) I’ll be a while Because I need to see the sun set What will we do? Who am I to ask such a question? Will we stay two And you know how I feel about you You don’t know all the things I could do I could save me from the […]

  • Raze

    The Demo Tapes Part 1 – Raze Portfolio Edition When she had finished speaking, she stared at me. I looked at her rather intensely. She glared at me openly. Perhaps she lacked a sense of etiquette, or perhaps the intensity came from an underlying edge—perhaps more than an edge—of…something. “And as a result,” I continued, […]

  • History: The Legendary Event

    Solune History: The Legendary Event Accounts of Individuals: Chloe Rhye Fifth Prince of the Solune The Legendary Event was similar to a war, but it is technically to be seen as an invasion. An invasion of giants. They had come over the north wall and directly into Hannibal. They had come because they found the […]

  • Wraith Hail (Artifact Edition)

    The Demo Tapes Part 2 – Wraith Hail. Artifact Edition To anyone who has read one of the two previous uploads of “Wraith Hail,” please note that this version of the story is quite different. Due to WordPress’s frustratingly limited formatting options, I should inform you of one thing: the italicized numbers are markers for […]

  • Ryann and Chloe Deliberate on Kings

    Or simply, “On Kings.” Formatted like a classical dialogue. Ryann: Yes, ultimately we’re in a struggle for control of the City-State. There have always been plots against the throne, both external and internal, from enemies of the monarch and from family. Chloe: From family? Ryann: From those cousins and siblings and so on who sought […]

  • Wraith Hail

    The more of you that I inspect, The more of me I see reflect (Dave Mustaine 1995). But when I went to see what’s what, I looked around, I was a slut. I’m in this, here, a room, I have a dictionary I have a bed. You bought me too, paid food and drink, Oh […]

  • Dirge’s Second Operation

    Or, “Raze“ When she had finished speaking, she stared at me. I looked at her rather intensely. She glared at me openly. Perhaps she lacked a sense of etiquette, or perhaps the intensity came from an underlying edge—perhaps more than an edge—of…something. “And as a result,” I continued, “I’m now in control of our group.” […]

  • Wraith Hail (2/2)

    (Continued from Here) … Part 2 The flames are silent. They drift into the vents. The room is stone, it’s stone, it’s stone, it’s…the tapestry, a gift from mom, catches fire, then the rug, just let me die. “Come, Alexandre, darling, listen!” The fire, I am a kēmist by training, kerosene, “it is a flammable […]

  • Wraith Hail (1/2)

    Part 1 The more of you that I inspect, The more of me I see reflect (Dave Mustaine 1995). But when I went to see what’s what, I looked around, I was a slut. I’m in this, here, a room, I have a dictionary I have a bed. You bought me too, paid food and […]

  • First, they Spake

    This is a very strange and very abstract piece. I would like to emphasize that I don’t particularly like it, but as Northrop Frye states, the poet is not the ultimate judge of his or her work. What do you think? First, she dated the woman, consumed in chaos. She moved over the waters and […]

  • Tell me a story that you cherish. (v2, standalone)

    Tell me a story that you cherish. (v2, standalone)

    (v1 of this piece was in the short anthology, Passive Progressions.) This was written in September, when my life was more stable because she was not talking to me. Now, it’s a little different. Horray, for Chaos has returned to me once again! A Romantic: A person with beliefs or attitudes of mystery, excitement, and […]

  • Song of Leah

    Song of Leah Written by Moses or something. Edited and Arranged by Daniel T. 9.14.2018 And Laban said unto Jacob, Because thou art my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? tell me, what shall thy wages be? And Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder was LEAH, and the name of […]