Without : Wavering, B Sides. (Epistles)

These are the “B Sides” for Without : Wavering.

Upon achieving an artificial enlightenment in the novel John Dies at the End, David Wong stats that, “The walls of the maze turned to glass.” In my experience, this is similar to the experience of achieving wisdom. Wisdom is like height, in a sense—it allows you see further in time and in space, but you remain where you stared. It is very strange; distressing even, to see who else is in the maze with you, and who they are…where they are. But, you also know where you have to go, and you know that all you need to do is develop the knowledge and skills to get there.

From, Chloe Rhye, Fifth Prince of the Solune.

You can start it like that if you want, but it’s a bit pretentious, and it sounds more like you than me.

Janna Rhye, Fourth Prince of the Solune and (Heir)

True. What then? Why not try the Latin style?



From, Chloe Rhye.

That’s interesting, I like how it all flows into itself. Reading it is very strange though; a challenge in its own right. It’s a strange memory. It may take longer to write out than we expect. I’m not sure that we should be making it arbitrarily more difficult to read than it needs to be.

Janna Rhye.

I know but; it is fun, yes? Is this story you have really what happened all those years ago? I guess it must be, we have the knife still after all. I think we should meet in and discuss further. Anyway, the piece is fairly serious, and so I think that we could try something even older—an ajbad! Look! Interpuncts!



Abjad? What? And did you write that backwards? Have you been getting into Da Vinci again? I can’t use that, it’s unreadable.

Anyway, yeah, we should definitely meet and lay this all out and set the grammar rules, okay?

Next time I’m in the Kingdom, I’ll send a messenger…or an Agent or something.

Janna Rhye.

Okay! :3 Hope to see you soon!! Bye~!

From, Chloe Rhye.

Yeah. I think in a month or…perhaps more. Drake and I have a lot of work left to do out here. Hope the dust of the library is treating you well Sister.

Until next;
Janna Rhye.

Daniel Triumph.

I highly recommend you check out the work that this piece refers to: Without : Wavering.

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