The Snake (My Submission, Part 1 of 2)

Hello, all. I’m trying to get into a creative writing course (finally!) at my university. I had to write a couple exercise pieces, so that’s what I’ll be sharing with you this weekend. Hopefully, after this chaotic week, I’ll be back on track. For now, here is a short prose piece.

A snake, slithering through grass, will refuse to cross a spider’s web.

The snake, in avoiding a web of lies, it may call itself the nobler. Only one lie cannot hurt, it says.

The snake starts with this thought, but eventually it grows. One utterance to cover another, then another, then another, and the serpent lengthens.

And once it gets too long, it might turn around and bump into itself. Game over.

But even so, a chain of deceit is more virtuous than a web.

Like the serpent, we find morality in our leaning tower of lies. We’re better than the spider, creating its network of tales and never getting caught. It’s okay to be a snake, getting caught is a form of honesty.

The serpent is the only noble creature.

Daniel Triumph.

Part 2 Here.


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