Tag: prose poem

  • Scrap 2

    If someone called out to you in pain, would you listen? Because that’s what I do to you and you don’t. What the dead men teach That anger is a form of cry And it is all I know. Alexandre Dirge.

  • Further Leftovers

    1 The call is too strong. And where it isn’t strong, it’s loud. And where it isn’t loud, it’s subtle. 2 The Book They studied the item for decades. A sacred order formed to explore its secrets. And then one day, an exile returned to the city, revealed a key, and unlocked it. No one […]

  • Wraith Hail (Artifact Edition)

    The Demo Tapes Part 2 – Wraith Hail. Artifact Edition To anyone who has read one of the two previous uploads of “Wraith Hail,” please note that this version of the story is quite different. Due to WordPress’s frustratingly limited formatting options, I should inform you of one thing: the italicized numbers are markers for […]

  • Wraith Hail

    The more of you that I inspect, The more of me I see reflect (Dave Mustaine 1995). But when I went to see what’s what, I looked around, I was a slut. I’m in this, here, a room, I have a dictionary I have a bed. You bought me too, paid food and drink, Oh […]

  • 10 Sentences Written over Ten Days in December

    It was a dark and sunny day today and I was like a good friend of mine. Breach knowledge. Break the teeth, break through her teeth, crushed with tools of torture—through group participation, the damaging of humanity seems more acceptable. It happened yesterday. Art for education, to process a thought; art for the audience, art […]

  • Without : Wavering

    Draft 4 It flowed from the hole in her arm. not pink this time. Red—It was serious. It was serious, but not that serious. She might die, but either way she would live. —— “funny,” she thought (and also said). “Ah, the King is awake.” There was someone else there, she heard him. Someone she […]

  • Wraith Hail (2/2)

    (Continued from Here) … Part 2 The flames are silent. They drift into the vents. The room is stone, it’s stone, it’s stone, it’s…the tapestry, a gift from mom, catches fire, then the rug, just let me die. “Come, Alexandre, darling, listen!” The fire, I am a kēmist by training, kerosene, “it is a flammable […]

  • Wraith Hail (1/2)

    Part 1 The more of you that I inspect, The more of me I see reflect (Dave Mustaine 1995). But when I went to see what’s what, I looked around, I was a slut. I’m in this, here, a room, I have a dictionary I have a bed. You bought me too, paid food and […]

  • Tell me a story that you cherish. (v2, standalone)

    Tell me a story that you cherish. (v2, standalone)

    (v1 of this piece was in the short anthology, Passive Progressions.) This was written in September, when my life was more stable because she was not talking to me. Now, it’s a little different. Horray, for Chaos has returned to me once again! A Romantic: A person with beliefs or attitudes of mystery, excitement, and […]

  • Web Journal 1

    Dear ephemeris. Today, I, of my own free will, decided to give my love some room to breathe. Hopefully this will the be the last time, but I am a loving god. I feel homesick, because she was my home. But a relationship must be reciprocal. So when she takes a vow of silence, so must […]

  • Alexandre Jutt’s Journal – I, Woman

    This is another page from Alexandre Jutt Dirge’s journal. She is a Masters of Chemistry student at the Solune Academy (Officially named the Solune Royal house of Sophia.) She is known for having a scathing tongue and being extremely judgemental. She is also considered beautiful. Tall, well endowed, and having pale and clear skin. Hated […]

  • Throne (?)

    Yaska sat on her throne. Although, she didn’t rule anything, so technically it wasn’t a throne. But it looked like a throne, so I called it a throne. I think it may have been a throne at some point. But, it looked like a throne, so I called it a throne for your benefit. Yaska herself […]