Review of Lifelong Writing Habit (Book on Writing)

Welcome to the new year! Hopefully this review is in time for anyone whose resolution involves writing. I will keep this review short, just like the book itself.

It didn’t take me long to realize that in Chris Fox’s Lifelong Writing Habit I had found something that I could grab a hold of and use. This is not just motivation or inspiration, Fox had clearly done some research and applied what he’d written here.

Chris Fox gives us a time-tested study that marketers and others use. So, first, this is science based. Second, he’s used it himself during quite a hectic sounding life. Finally, it’s straight to the point. This is a “lean meat only” kind of book.

Trigger. Routine. Reward.

When Fox started explaining these stages stages of habits and inspire yourself into habits I instantly knew in the 1st chapter following the following the author introduction that this was going to actually change my habits, and help me develop a consistent writing practice.

I’ve just finished the book, and I’m already excited to try these ideas at myself. I knew more than enough even partway through, due do to how direct and straightforward the chapters had read were, that this book would be useful for others and that’s why I actually paused the book halfway through to write some of what would become this review.

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