Category: Writing Tips

  • Do You Strive for Mastery, or Simply to Write?

    What is one piece of advice that just doesn’t work for me? That it’s okay not to write every day. I experienced unfinished work, plummeted productivity and even quality. Robert A. Heinlein wrote constantly. Robert Heinlein was arguably one of the biggest names in science fiction of the 20th century. Heinlein published 32 novels, 59 […]

  • What do I do about Editing and Revision regarding Creative Writing?

    I have been consistently writing creatively since 2017, so as of writing this it’s been 6 years. The helpful answer is that I find that once I’m already editing I actually enjoy it, even if I resist starting. So the answer is to just start, and worry about liking it after. The more difficult answer […]

  • Recurrance in Storytelling

    Here we go,From The Solune Prince, Draft 3. Chapter 1 Chloe jumped as the metal latch behind her clanged then stopped, dropping back into place. Whoever it was at the door paused and thought better than to walk in. Then a knock rang out through the heavy wood. “Speak,” She said, almost failing to hide […]

  • Doing a Full Novel Rewrite

    The novel I’m currently working on, The Solune Prince, has been in the works for over four years now. And so this summer, when I started getting a good hold of the ropes of publishing and self-publishing, I truly and finally realized how far the current state of the novel was from being clean and […]

  • Review of Lifelong Writing Habit (Book on Writing)

    Welcome to the new year! Hopefully this review is in time for anyone whose resolution involves writing. I will keep this review short, just like the book itself. It didn’t take me long to realize that in Chris Fox’s Lifelong Writing Habit I had found something that I could grab a hold of and use. […]

  • Small Steps

    Many people in my generation have likely heard of Holes, either the book by Louis Sachar, or the film adaptation. What few people are aware of is that it had a somewhat strange spinoff-sequel. This book was called Small Steps. Now, this post is a blog update, not a book review, but I want to […]

  • How to Write From the Middle

    Of all the books on writing I’ve encountered, Write Your Novel from the Middle, by James Scott Bell is one of the best. Let’s discuss it, and check out some of the writing ideas it gave me. There are some books that should be short but are stretched out to fill some sort of page […]

  • Seeding in Storytelling

    The concept of “seeding” is fairly universal in narratives. Seeding is when an author inserts clear hints of something that will be coming. I’m not sure if this exact term is used outside of video games, but the relationship to foreshadowing is clear. In the game Arknights, for example, five portraits were given for upcoming […]

  • The Senses -Writing Tips #001

    The Senses -Writing Tips #001

    Many books and blogs on writing urge us to engage the five physical senses. Touch, taste, sound, etc. Yet none speak to the higher senses; emotion, conscience, intelligence, spirit. Aren’t the greatest scenes in literature the ones that pull on the heart, rather than the skin? Daniel Triumph.