One Man’s Fantasy – A Sermon

(Early Version)

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I may release a more mobile-friendly version in the future.

      Jn th’ place thov hast seen        only in uiſions who dither hence
Silver cloods and little        dreams that thither deep inſide
The skool, from inſide you      meditate your way to places
Higher than the cloods          a place a freedom far from hær
You can diue and dance         act with no fær
      A land yov’v conjured in your mind a place in a falſe light?           
Still you moue your palmes     conſtruct a kingdom glory pouer might
To exercise beneuolence         no more warres you’ll have to fight
Yet as you dub courtieres       with honour, someone tilets a head
She aſks you how you got here, From what land were you led,         king ?
      Somehow she urges you to honeſty   meditation, is what yov say
Cartesian? No no, you say      What then? Eclectic, you say.
She lovghes at your ansvver   it is fooljsh to her, and yet, she say,
Here you are. What will you   do to this land you have ?
She shaykes her hed,            disappointment in face.
      She knows that if you heard   the words she had, your place
In this land and your           mind would be gone.
Maybe next time, she says,     musically, as a muse ought,
Then flovrishing her long       golden locks, she ties her hair,
Prince of the Solune,           leaving the cerebral game unfovght.

      Decades, scores, paſs by         and in your diminiſhed age, she returns.
Shocked, aſking her why        she hasn’t aged a moment, she turns,
Looks down on you now        arced over a cane,
Sire, why, she says,            neither have you.
Why are you still here,         after so long?
      This is a place of memory,      she says, a place for the
Mind to be free                 I thought you’d have
Known better, and set           your own thoughts free
But instead you kept            the phantasy
So in this place,               you will never be free
      Trapped in here forever           a form of madness, she says
She waxes unencumbered       have you ever wondered, she says
Have you never ever           wondered
What this                     place
Is,                             she says                                  
This is the vvorld of my          own command, you say,
It heeds my beck and            call
I am in controll here royalty   & all
No onne disobes I rule        nobley with skill
And I comand throu              force of will
      This is a world of thought,      she says, open to a certain
Few                             It is a
Pity that you’ve ruined it      since you met me here too.
No one disobeys you             because no one really can
There is nobody else here       no consciousness, you understand?
The only sign of life up here,  apart from you is me.
      You know I thought I had created  here, but really I had not.
This is a shared headspace      t’was first Plato who had thought
There was a world of forms    and I took it one step further on
You come here in your thoughts alone, to stay here, mind is rife.
And your thoughts are all wrong  so if you want to live your life,
You must leave here, go back home,  you must leave here and be strong.

Daniel Triumph.

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