Testing a New Schedule

I’m going to be posting every Thursday at 4pm.

Starting last Thursday, I’ve finally, after much messing around with schedules decided on trying a new one. Not some complicated mess like last time, but also not the “one post a day” schedule that I maintained for a good two or more months.

post per day

When I returned to university in September, it wasn’t too long before I became unable to put out that kind of massive amount of content. The promise I made to myself (and which you can see in the image above, except that one week between January and February, in which I was a day late) was to make sure to post at least once a week. And, by my definition, that’s pretty much how it went.

So, the change I’m putting in now is… pretty small, but I have the feeling it’ll become a bigger deal than one might expect. That is, I’m going to be attempting to post every Thursday at 4pm.

Reasons Why This Might Work

  1. It’s not that big of a change from what I’ve already been doing since around November.
  2. I have about five posts in queue, two of which are ready to go without editing. (Although I intend to edit both.) There is a large buffer.
  3. Having schedules is actually good for the creative mind, to a certain extent. I’m not saying deadlines don’t constrain creativity, but I am arguing that without any planning, often creative people like myself don’t get anything done.
  4. Having a schedule is good for readers. You’ll know when a post is going to come out, all the time. So that’s cool. Maybe magazines and periodicals in the traditional world were on to something.

Reasons Why This Might Not Work

Any good philosopher looks at counter arguments. (I’m not a good philosopher.)

  1. Thursday is a very full day for me. I have three classes, and it consistently drains me by the end of it.
  2. People might not be reading (fiction) at 4pm on Thursdays. The weekend might be better.

So, to address point 1, there is a fallback. I have an open period, and then a class that begins at 4pm. That’s an hour and a half to finish editing and release, or, heaven forbid, write something in a fury.

As for point 2, this is very true. As far as I can tell (and WordPress analytics are rather lacking), I get the most views on the weekends. There’s real potential for this date to be moved to Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday. The important thing is that there is a day. The next step will be solidifying it.


First, I’d like to point out that the schedule is not a limit, it’s a minimum. (Hence this post is not on Thursday.) But, the highest quality content will be on Thursdays, generally. For now, expect, at least for the next 2-5 weeks, posts on Thursdays at 4pm.


Let’s try to make the inconsistency as consistent as possible. I’ll post on Thursday at 16:00, on March 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd. On the 29th, I’ll either update the schedule, or I’ll continue making posts as usual.

See you next Thursday!

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Daniel Triumph.

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