The Bi-Cycle (My Submission, Part 2 of 2)

I’m trying to get into a creative writing course (finally!) at my university. I had to write a couple exercise pieces, so that’s what I’ll be sharing with you this weekend. Hopefully, after this chaotic week, I’ll be back on track. This is the poem half. It’s a little satirical of this sort of weird poetry, but it was part of the submission, so here it is.




Like I said, it’s a little dumb. And also a little hilarious. I am not really a poet! Ahah… Anyway, had to use a screenshot, due to formatting getting completely ignored by WordPress. (Why, WordPress?)

Daniel Triumph.

Here’s part 1

If you can’t see the image, here’s an oddly-formatted text version. The _underscores_ are spaces.



buy something
try something


if you cut it
__________________down the middle,
it will remain

a bisected bicycle.


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