Alexandre Courtesan(Outline)

All *checks analytics* one or two of you who enjoyed Broken Teeth, rejoice! Our dear Lex is back, and ready to go for a second round. As long as her insane mother doesn’t mess with anything.

This is an outline, prone to changes and revision!

Release Order

  • The Musician
  • Toil
  • The Adoration
  • The Return
  • Fallen, Gloriously
  • The Promise
  • The Admission
  • […]

Chronological Order


  • The Promise
  • The Order
  • The Murder
  • The Vow
  • Temporary Freedom
  • The Report
  • Recapture

The Courtesan

  • The Days Before
  • The Decision
  • Changing Hands
  • The Wife

The Days After

  • Toil
  • The Musician
  • The Adoration
  • The Return
  • Fallen, Gloriously
  • The Admission
  • The Wife, Once More

Hail’s Tempest

  • Fallen Again, Wonderfully
  • The Escaped Musician
  • The Depression
  • The Burning
  • Mercy of God
  • The Wife, Yet Again

The Life of Alexandre Dirge

  • Dedication
  • The Favor
  • Contribution
  • The Genius
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