Tag: Yaska

  • The Hero and the Star

    “My father told me it was long ago, I always assumed two or three thousand years. A star fell from the sky. It was unlike a dead shooting star. It was alive. It landed on the planet. The ancient people encountered it, and came to fear it.

  • Mariça (Final)

    <<First, <Prev Jolanin had explained very basically to Mariça that she had been captured because she had entered too deep into Shriken territory. Then she’d left Mariça in order to take the dead body to the council. Since then, Mariça had spent her time sitting in the room and trying to figure in her mind what […]

  • Mariça

    Part Four. (<Part One) “There was an external issue, thus the council felt itself forced to this decision. You are to be killed.” Marisa rubbed her eyes, “what?” The women looked at each other until Marisa’s mind registered what had been said. “No! I have to… I have to return to my village! I only […]

  • Mariça

    Generally what happens is they become selfish and single-mindedly focus on keeping themselves alive until they can become a Shriken, even at the expense of the people they know. They become tyrannical in order to cull resources.

  • Mariça

    “Days!” Marisa said, “days? You can’t keep me here for days!” “I will see what I can do for you, but the rest of the council will likely be slow to decide.” Jolanin pointed to the bed, “you can use that.”

  • Mariça

    Part One. Marisa wandered around the sands near the northern mountains. She knew the Shriken, people who could fly, lived there. Maybe she would run into one. She looked up the mountain, and then into the sky. It was getting dark, so she decided to return to her village. “Marisa, what did you catch?” Jan […]

  • The Djeb Guard

    (Extended Original Draft) We are here, we watch the city. We are the ones who respond. If they come with hands open to take, or hands closed to hit. If they come with words that are false, or words that are threats. We are the ones who respond. We are here, we watch the city. […]

  • Starman Part 4 (Final)

    Starman Part 4 (Final)

    Chloe’s mumbling eventually broke into the silence, “…imitation, returning to the sky… he truly is a star, isn’t he? I didn’t think the legend was true.” Jan said, “what legend?” The Starman said, “tell us, please.”

  • Starman Part 3

    Starman Part 3

    Chloe’s mumbling eventually broke into the silence, “…imitation, returning to the sky… he truly is a star, isn’t he? I didn’t think the legend was true.” Jan said, “what legend?” The Starman said, “tell us, please.”

  • Starman Part 2

    Starman Part 2

    Starman part 2. (Part 1 here) A lot can happen between adventures. The next morning, Yaska came to Jan’s stone hut. Outside, he and the creature were talking. “Look, Yaska, he fits okay in my clothes… sort of. A little tight in the arms and baggy everywhere else, but not a big issue,” Jan shrugged. […]

  • Starman Part 1

    Starman Part 1

    Starman part 1. A lot can happen between adventures. Yaska May Däwngale and the people of her village sat around the community fire. Jan was telling a story about the storm festival. Yaska rubbed her fingers through the sand. It did not rain a lot in the desert, but once every two years, there was […]

  • Yaska’s Youth

    Yaska’s Youth

    I idolized my older sister. I would follow her everywhere. During a hunt, I would follow her, keeping quiet. She would talk when no prey was around. She spoke of the mountains north, the Solune kingdom east, and sometimes of a kingdom lost in the desert storm to the west. I took only minor interest. […]

  • Doubles Poem

    The dark of the night, The crimson eyes, The flame of the light, The previous ties.   I’m clenching my teeth, My dubious sight, I cannot believe What’s seen in my eyes “Have not you been killed?”   Incredulous eyes. “You cannot believe, What’s happened to me” She suddenly said, Recounting her fee, “I have […]