Category: non-canonical

  • The Lussa Confederation

    Cerulllus, by the grace of THE NAME Ruler of ALL LANDS: We the Priest Poets address you; King of the Lussa People, Progeny of the Sollussa Nation; in council relating the succession of thrones and the citizenship of slaves. BEGINNING Due to the horrific, unstable, and enstrifed histories of our people; especially of yours, who […]

  • Categorization: An Unsound Guide to Characters [Part 1!]

    High Achieving Women Openness: 99th Percentile Chloe Rhye, GE Age 14-26 (Adjusted. True age: 830-990) Female, Solune, Incel/Married/Widowed. Apprentice Healer > Autodidactic Study > Liberal Arts BA > History BA > Mentor > Secondary Teacher > Military > Lawyer/Poet > Expedition Leader > Elsara > ? (Born year 3171 by the old calendar, around 16/800 […]

  • “Revivafy” or something. And Time Travel. x2.

    If you’re here, you should probably go read the latest chapter of my novella instead…or start at the beginning? Either way >:3 it’s far better than this piece! ? Recognize anyone? 1 “You would give her up for me?” 2 “Time travel is a very simple thing. Safely shifting timelines however, is not. In fact […]

  • Wavering (second draft)

    For those who are interested in how the first draft became the final draft. This might be my least favourite of the three, but so it goes. She felt a numb pain in her forearm. She looked to her right. A branch jut out from the space between the two bones in her arm. Janna […]

  • The Wavering World

    … . When Janna finally woke up, she felt a numb pain in her forearm. She looked to her right and remembered what was going on. She was stuck to the tree, a branch jutting out from the space between the two bones in her arm. She was in a hole, a lush bright brown […]

  • Alice


    Table of Contents: Alice and Finch Alice is the sequel to Inck. This is been deemed “non canonical,” however it was an interesting exploration, and also yes, Plainkind lungs can do this. Alice looked at Inck for a long time, frozen, staring at the vacant expression of hope for many moments. And then, when she felt […]