Peak Performance

A Review.

Anyone worried about a book promoting habits that cause burnout should feel relieved. Peak Performance opens with a chapter on the importance of rest followed by a chapter on treating sleep as a form of productivity. It’s also very scientific, and cites all sources in a very clear scholarly fashion. They’ve clearly done some deep research, and understood it, and convey it well.

I was pleasantly surprised by the fascinating chapters on intentional practice and how to develop expertise we must work at the edge of our competency. interestingly this book accomplishes what Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why” seems to falter with, which is finding your “Why,” or Purpose Statement. In the 20 minute exercise this book provides, I found a powerful purpose statement which could very well function as a why and I’m excited to go to the world practice effectively, rest productively, and use that purpose to inform decisions and increase resilience.

Very satisfied. If there was any flaw in this book, its that it gets to the point, whereas I would have loved more depth and detail into the studies it mentions. But actually, that’s a positive, it means that the book is streamlined and values your time.

Daniel Triumph.

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