My Construction

Soon to be consumed by this mechanization
The parts haphazardly built and set into the world,
They’ve wreaked their havoc and now they return
Combined, they come upon you
Cornered, spinning gears, sharp edges;
The edges that were carelessly released,
Carelessly return.
Caught; cornered, moving parts threaten lifelessly
To dig into the skin, to trespass your flesh
Impartial, objective, and dead
The world, cold, will continue as if nothing had happened.
The machine cannot be negotiated with.

But what was created was not a machine.
It approaches but,
could be pushed back, contended with.
The world is a place filled with people
And what you let loose has done damage
But as it falls back on me
Perhaps it will all be dismantled
When you wrestle against its strain
And turn away from what had been done.

Daniel Triumph.

Don’t read this 😛

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