Absolute Ledger

This is a list of many of Dawngale and Duskride’s inhabitants, their birth year, and their races. Exceptions: Family, social groups, and colleges are listed after their leader. For example:

  • Mariça, Double (60% Plainkind, 40% Solune)
  • Mars Rhye, Solune King, Solune (50% Solune, 50% Riley)
  • Gwenhime Rhye, Condor

Gwenhime comes right after Mars because they are married.

When using this ledger, please note the following:

  • Genetic percentiles and birth years are not final or exact.
  • Organized by location, then first name alphabetical.
  • [x] denotes a deceased person.
  • This ledger is not currently complete.

Solune Kingdom

  • Alexandre “Jutt” Dirge, 3978 – Riley (98% Solune, 2% Riley)
    • Henry “Artus” Zephophile, 3983 – Solune (87% Solune, 8% East Metch, 4% N’Tarial, 1% Riley) [Boyfriend <3 ]
    • Hail Dirge, 3962 – Riley (91% Solune, 9% Riley) [Mother, Sister of Diesel]
    • [X] ??? Dirge ???, ??? – Solune (Pure. Very rare.) [Father]
    • Finch Dirge Zeth, 3982 – Riley (96% Solune, 4% Riley) [Cousin][Bonded to Alice]
      • Alice May Däwngale, 3980 – Plainkind (Pure, also technically a Spirit.) [Bondswoman]
      • Ilias Zeth, 3963 – Riley (97% Solune, 3% Riley) [Father]
      • Diesel Dirge, 3959 – Riley (91% Solune, 9% Riley) [Mother, sister of Hail]
  • Astore Rittenfield, 3997 – Riley (97% Solune, 3% Riley) [Riley blood percentages are complicated, I will not get into it here, but it’s generally between 3-7%]
  • Mars (Issaac) Rhye, 1 – Hybrid (50.001% Solune, 49.999% Riley) [Retired King]
    • Crystal Jealousy Rhye, 17 – Perfect Hybrid (50% Solune, 50% Riley)
    • Gwenhime Rhye 802 – Condor (Pure) [Wife of Mars]
    • Zealott Rhye 1248 – Solune (50% Solune, 25% Riley, 25% Condor)
    • Natasha Glass Rhye 2777 – Solune (45% Condor, 30% Solune, 25% Riley)
    • Kain Shinn Sootie Rhye 2777 – Riley (45% Riley, 30% Solune, 25% Condor)
    • Janna Rhye 3001 – Solune (40% Solune, 30% Riley, 30% Condor) [King]
    • Chloe Rhye 3196- Solune (45% Solune, 40% Condor, 15% Riley)
    • Joseph Rhye 40?? – Solune (60% Solune, 15% Condor, 5% Riley)

Metch Kingdom

  • Ten Garrison, 3978 – East Metch (68% East Metch, 15% Lussa, 15% Solune, trace N’Tarial and Riley) [Prince of the Eastern Castle]
    • Gennnerith Ollllisson, 3947 Lussa / Solune (50% Lussa, 50% Solune) [Mother]
    • [x] King Garrison, 3946 – East Metch (73% East Metch, 21% N’Tarial, 6% Riley) [Father]
    • Silence Ollllisson, 3946 Lussa (Pure) [Half-Aunt]
  • Charity Cavalcade, 3942 – East Metch (88% East Metch, 9% N’Tarial, trace Solune and Djeb) [King of the Western Castle, acting King of the Eastern Castle]
    • [x] Sopater Cavalcade, 3938 – N’Tarial (Pure) [Queen]
    • Joseph Serious, 3973 – East Metch (82% East Metch, 18% Solune) [Soldier]
    • Naarah Oathes, 3971 – East Metch (73% East Metch, 25% Solune, trace Djeb) [Soldier, Hero]
  • Bradley Jeremy, 3996 – East Metch (99% East Metch, trace Solune) [Scientist]
    • Lucas Cipher, 3961 – East Metch (Pure) [Scientist]

The Djeb

  • Hannah Dear Alz-Aeur, 3994 – Djeb (Pure) [Emperor, Cleric]
    • Sheila Kiks, 3991 – Djeb (92% Djeb, 4% Riley, trace Obsidian, trace Elken) [Husband, Vice-Emperor, Cleric]
    • Serra Däwngale, 3988 – Solune / Djeb (55% Solune, 40% Djeb, 4% Elken, trace Obsidian) [Elder Priest, Adoptive Mother]
  • Ashley Emperor, 3991 – Djeb (Pure) [Ex-Emperor]

Lussa Kingdom

  • Avvarice ???, 3981 – Lussa
    • Orion ???, 3975 – Djeb / Solune (50% Djeb, 46% Solune, 4% Lussa) [Husband]
    • Chance, of Earth, 3000 – Elken (98% Elken, 2% N’Tarial) [Investor]
    • Chear Oriface, 3972 – Lussa [Employee, Manager]
    • Lollatt ???, 3997 – Lussa / Solune (50% Lussa, 50% Solune) [Employee]
  • Elliott ???, 3980 – Lussa
    • ??? – Lussa [Mother]
      • Lark ???, 3978 – Lussa [Brother]
      • Chill ???, 3978 – Lussa [Brother]
      • Peace ???, 3995 – Lussa [Sister]
    • LR Gerome, 3976 – Lussa [Friend]
    • “Spider” (real name unknown), 3991 – Lussa [Friend]

Venus’s Domain

  • Venus Rhye, (neg)9 – Sollussa (50% Sollussa, 50% Riley)
    • Lillith Nature, (neg)98 – Spirit (Pure)

The Dead City

  • Pluto (Ishmiel) Rhye, 1 Hybrid (50.001% Riley, 49.999 Solune) [Bondman of Honor]
    • Honor Rhye, (neg)3800 – Fiend (ex-Spirit) [Bondswoman of Pluto]
    • Millie Rhye, 3188 – Solune (50% Solune, 46% Riley, trace Fiend) [Daughter]
    • Gaul Rhye, 3500 – Riley (53% Riley, 36% Solune, 11% Fiend) [Son]

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