Update 1

What am I doing?

So, as of right now I have been accepted to university. I’ll have a week to move and then go all in on my arts as I enter university. Last Tuesday I gave my work the expected two weeks notice. The CEO, whom I’ve spoken to of my plans, congratulated me. My boss shook hands, and my direct supervisor has said nothing (lol).

I will be studying English and Creative Writing, so that’s cool. It’ll make me better at my job here, I hope.

Schedule Changes

Regular release days are Monday to Friday. Saturday is for off-beat post and whatever I feel like. Sunday might either be another regular release or a planning piece.

Updates. I plan on starting a weekly update to be released on either weekend day. I’ll figure it out as I go.

Releases are once a day, usually, but not always around 4am. 10:30am wasn’t working out for my readers or me.

What am reading?

Right now physically I’m reading A Wrinkle in Time, but very slowly. During my working hours, I listen to audiobooks.

Of Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina is the first one, a classic about two couples, one a man who’s proposal was turned down by a beautiful young woman. The other, an adventurous young man who falls in love with a married woman, Anna Karenina. How treacherous!

Levin is turning out more and more agreeable, and so is Vronsky. Anna falls ever deeper into sympathizable treachery, and Kitty remains a pure blossom.

I am using this as a period and domestic drama reference for my coming serial of dear Alexandre Jutt Dirge. (Poor Lex. She will find happiness soon!)

Of Alexandre Dumas

The Count of Monte Cristo is a real page turner. Dante, tricked by his friends and arrested, is now trapped in a dungeon. He conspires with a cell mate to break out, in the process learning of a great treasure in Monte Cristo, and becoming a very learned man!

Soon to be a rich genius, and also physically capable man in search of vengeance… what will come of his revenge? Will he walk a path of purity or revenge?

I’m using this as a famous and poignant example of a well written serial for reference.


Alright, so I missed a few days of my lithium, but otherwise things are okay. I still feel that seeping lack of motivation, but so far I’ve been able to keep my output up. I should be going down into a depression around September or October, and I hope it doesn’t interfere with my magazine publication.

The Solune Prince

Alice and Finch

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