Encyclopædia Léxis Exígisi [WIP]

This is an Encyclopædia of Dawngale terms. It will be updated as needed, and serves primarily as a public point of reference for myself. The λέξης εξήγηση (Lexis Exigisi) was written by Chloe Rhye, and exists within Dawngale as well as without.

Terms may be subject to change in the future as I retcon and adjust for consistency and improvement. Stars* denote areas that are to be filled in when the information needed becomes available. They also note names that are placeholders. [Square brackets] indicate additions made by Daniel Triumph for the extra Dawngale edition.

Foreword by the Author.

Many terms do not akkurately or fittingly translate to other kultures. I kompiled this book using writings made during my travels, and notes made during my mother’s ekspeditions. This is to be used as a referense guide for travellers, or researters sut as myself. I have passed kopies along to Salt, Janna and Yaska for testing, and they have found it kuite useful, thus, I intend to send it to prints. Stars and denote areas that are to be filled in when the information needed bekomes available. Brackets show personal notes from myself.

Orijinally I began to write this in the antient skolarly languaj of the Methusa, titled λέξης εξήγηση, but Solune kondensed is more universal. I would like this dokument to be sirkulated in akademik, eksploration, travelling, and diplomatik populations.

I would like to thank my mother for kontributing her materials, as it added some terms I was unaware of, and helped me better deskribe some of the ones I was aware of. So, I would like to thank Gwenhime Hksksshvvn Rhye, even thoeh she asked that I not.

— Khloe Rhye

The Leksis Eksigisi

Demon (Unofficial Use)

In all cultures, the term demon is used to denote something negative. The Djeb and early Solune considered the Shriken of old to be demons, as they hunted from the sky, flying with giant fleshy wings.

Eline (Oil)

An oil from a high-fat fruit that is found in the Elken Yjungle. It has been brought out of the jungle by those brave enough to survive the attacks of the violently territorial Elken people, and now grows freely in the N’Tariel woods, and some Solune forests. [Similar to olives.]



A powdered incendiary that creates a bright flash when ignited. Found primarily on the underside, used in many Chimera* celebration rituals. Currently the Lussa are trying to engineer them into something called a “skypainter.” [Fireworks.]


Laszors are often emitted through the eyes, and often used by the Solune and Lussa, Riley, and Djeb who have a higher affinity for them, and are rarely used by the East Metch who naturally resist them.

A Laszor is simply a emission of natural body energy converted to liquid-like plasma. It does not usually affect inorganic materials unless it is heavily condensed into “dark core” laszors. Decondensed “ultratransparent” laszors are useful for pushing objects or people away.

The Solune, Riley and Lussa store energy primarily in semi-liquid joules rather than in semi-solid fat, thus they can convert energy to plasma faster and use laszor eyes more effectively.

Technically, laszors can be used by any creature that has energy stores. It is a learned ability, like static apnea. [Holding your breath/freediving for long periods of time. Defined by CMAS: “Static Apnea is an event where the athlete aims at performing a maximum duration apnea (not breathing) minimally over a time declared beforehand and if possible going beyond this time.”] Not everyone can do it well, but everyone can train and learn to do it.


A Simperwald* is known is some regions as a Nature’s Child or Demonchild, although they have very little to do with demons. A Nature’s Child is someone born with one or two elements of fiendish appearance. Not to be confused with actual fiends or spirits, as they lack nearly all of a fiend’s appearance, conforming more to the appearance of their parents. Additionally, they are not related to fiends. Often, they have had some form of divine touch in the womb. You must be born a Simperwald, you cannot obtain the appearance of one via curse or Servants.

Appearance of a Simperwald: The Simper have some form of animal part, in all other ways they look as much like their parents as any child. Commonly they will have horns, similar to that of a goat.. Rarely, they may also have a tail of some sort, whiskers, a forked tongue, or the ability to breathe both water and air.

Solune Guard Ranking

(List from Commander Natasha Glass Rhye.)

0. Commander
1. Captain
2. Leftenant; Vice Captain
3. Sergeant (~15%)
4. Constable (~30%)
5. Guard (~45%)

Jehanne and Ranks - Copy.jpg



Plainkind eyes are usually a deep red, and when they get excited or angry they turn a bright red. The eyes have very good long-distance vision, and can change focus very fast. Their eyes can adjust for distance and even light with unparalleled speed.

I’ve come to discover that this is due to their abnormally vascularised irises. Plainkind children are born with all manner of coloured eyes. I assume that during puberty, their eyes become able to work at top speeds, and they become damaged from it, allowing excess blood into the iris, giving it the maroon colour. High blood flow allows a lot more new blood in, turning it red once more.

Plainkind Blood

Plainkind blood is red, unlike most other races who have magenta blood. I assume this is because they consume far higher amounts of iron, as their primary source of liquids is blood.

Plainkind (Journal)

The Plainkind are a post-celestial race created by the Servant of Birth. Once, they were a highly intelligent race with flight and the power to kill any being they wished. Birth was forced to abandon them, as they were considered clearly overpowered by his parents. This ancient Plainkind race has come to be known as the Shriken.

After losing Birth’s influence, the Plainkind swiftly devolved into a brawn over brains tribal race. They live off of hunting with the use of large swords and not much else. Their homes are simple, and I find it particularly interesting that they have developed swords at all.

This must be proof that they still hold vestiges of their former intelligence. I studied them as best I could, and found that, while slow learners, the Plainkind have a large untapped capacity for intelligence.

So, the Plainkind are the strongest race, they have the highest potential for knowledge, and they live incredibly long lives. It seems that their only true weakness is a somewhat inhibited creativity, although I’m sure that future research will prove this be a strong point for them too.

Servant Related Beings: Celestials, Demons, Spirits, Fiends, and Angels

  • Celestials: There are many subcategories, listed below.
    • Celestial: A Celestial is any creature created by a Servant that can reproduce. Most races come about naturally, but a Celestial is specifically created. Celestials are put on the planet as a new life form, a new species.
      • Confirmed celestial races include: Obsidian, Gossimer, Double*, Innersider*, and Enchantress*. [Placeholder names are starred.]
    • Post-Celestial: A Celestial creature who’s Servant has abandoned them, either on purpose or by force.
      • Confirmed Post-Celestial races include: Plainkind, and Second Generation Humans.
    • Half Celestial: A Half Celestial is a creature that was not created by a Servant, but have been changed by them by accident. A Half Celestial has been in the favour of a Servant for so long that over generations they have become physically and/or mentally altered. Often an individual will lose certain traits provided passively by their Half Celestial status if they fall out of favour of the Servant.
      • Confirmed Half Celestial races include: Djeb.
  • Demon: A Demon is any living creature created directly by a Servant. They differ from Celestial in two ways. A Demon’s Servant can take control, or give direct commands at any time, and, a Demon often cannot reproduce. Demons are created on command to carry out various tasks. Celestials are put on the planet as a new life form.
  • Spirit: Spirits are similar to demons except they come about naturally, and cannot be controlled or commanded by their related Servant. Instead, they have direct communication with them, due to this, their thoughts can be fairly abstract. Often Spirits are in communication with and have been created due to the presence of Mother or Father Nature. Many are difficult to communicate with. Not to be confused with Small gods, who come about in similar ways but can ascend to Servanthood. Spirits (usually) cannot perform apotheosis. Most notably, a spirit is often tied to certain location. Below are some known spirits.
    • Nixie (known in some areas as Naiads or Nymphs) are tied to their lakes. They are very timid and often hide from travellers. They love knowledge, and are more likely to appear to those who have knowledge to share with them and discuss. (I enjoy the company of Nixies.)
    • Nerthie (Occasionally called Dryads) are tied to entire forest groves. (I have interviewed one and learned that they enjoy fecund actions with intelligent creatures. Such emotions positively affect the fecundity of their domain.
    • “Water People” (The name they call themselves has been historically incomprehensible and will be added as soon as we have a complete spelling) are tied to either the oceans or to very snowy places.
      Update: They call themselves the Wrrthn.
    • Sandstorm Elemental (No true name can be given as these creatures do not have intelligent thought and have not named themselves.) are often found in the Barren Desert. They take the form of very large grey dinosaurs with black flowing markings.
    • Strossmadoss (Previously known as Overtakers) are large walking libraries that prefer the plain deserts of the Underside. It is theorized by ancient historians (including Chloe Rhye) that they once roamed the Overside as well.
  • Fiend: A fiend is a Spirit that has exited their domain. They lose most of their Servant granted abilities. Often they are confused with Nature’s Children*, who are born of civilized households but have fiendish features.
    • Known Fiends: On’hor Rhye (My aunt)

Solune Condensed

Solune Condensed is an alphabet or script. The old Solune Script had valueless letters, and to reduce confusion, these letters were removed. Solune Condensed was created by Gwenhime Hksksshvvn Rhye and has replaced Solune Script in most regions. The aim of Rhye was to make literacy more acquirable, especially for the foreigners whom she was bringing Solune Standardization to.

Major Solune Condensed changes include:

  • The removal of letters C, Q, X.
  • Removal of  inconsistencies in spelling, such as changing all soft Gs to Js
  • Changing the “ght” letter amalgamations into “oeh” amalgamations. Example: Thought becomes Thoeht.

Gwenhime Resz is currently working on additions to the Solune Condensed Script, notably to include liberal use of accents, thus removing confusion of pronunciation. (Personally, I see this script being taken in by the academic community [similar to Latin].)

Solune Standardization

The Solune Standardization was a century long expedition taken by Gwenhime Hksksshvvn Rhye (exact date range currently unknown*). The original goal was to standardize language, units of measurement, culture. However, his highness “Mars” Rhye removed most aspects of assimilation from the original mission statement.

The Solune Standardization effectively standardized many aspects to the following neighbouring cultures and races: Djeb, Plainkind, N’Tariel, East Metch, Riley. The elements that were assimilated include:

  • Language – Solune
  • Script – Solune Condensed
  • Distance
    • Long – Leagues, the average distance that can be walked in one day [About 3 miles, or 5 kilometres].
    • Short – Cubits, the average distance from the middle finger to the elbow. (The East Metch scholars are working on a more consistent unit for exact measurements, to be added in the future.)
  • Time (Smaller than one day)
    • Note: Time is harder to quantify the smaller it is divided, due to the variable nature of time. Some scholars have theorized that it is consciousness that is variable, not time, but Jeremy has since successfully refuted such thoughts.
    • 1 Day = 4 Quadrats or approximately 22 Sixths.
    • 1 Quadrat = 6 sixths (hence the name)
      • Exception: Noon (high noon) can be any length, usually between 2 and 3 sixths.
      • Exception: Midnight can be any length, but is less susceptible to stretching than noon. Most often it is two hours.
    • 1 Sixth is divided into minutes. Usually 80 or 60, but it ranges from 30-120. The Minute and the Sixth are the most dynamically variable units of time measurement.
    • 1 Second is very consistent, but difficult to compare to anything due to the variable nature of Minutes and Sixths.
  • Time (larger than one day)
    • 8 Days in 1 Week
    • 48 Days or 6 Weeks in 1 Month
    • 384 Days or 8 Months in 1 Year
      • Note: In most cultures, one year was roughly the time it took for the sun to circle the earth. Declaring the exact value to be 384 days was one of the easiest changes. Due to this, there are 384 degrees in a circle.


Levels of power are divided into tiers.

A person is considered to be on a higher tier of strength if they can defeat all those in the tier below them, one at a time in combat. They must also be able to defeat all of those in two tiers below them simultaneously in combat.

Other things, such as beauty, have tiers. Chloe Rhye is two tiers higher than most other people, which is lucky for them as she is beyond compare.

Looking to find out what this world is all about? Check out the table of contents.


Below are work in progress notes.

Ages of the Royal Family

Factor = x40.8
17 – Chloe (693)
21 – Janna (856)
?24 – Kain
?24 – Natasha
?27 – Zealott
?31 – Jealousy

49 – King (2000)


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