Tag: prose

  • What do I do about Editing and Revision regarding Creative Writing?

    I have been consistently writing creatively since 2017, so as of writing this it’s been 6 years. The helpful answer is that I find that once I’m already editing I actually enjoy it, even if I resist starting. So the answer is to just start, and worry about liking it after. The more difficult answer […]

  • Wraith Hail

    The more of you that I inspect, The more of me I see reflect (Dave Mustaine 1995). But when I went to see what’s what, I looked around, I was a slut. I’m in this, here, a room, I have a dictionary I have a bed. You bought me too, paid food and drink, Oh […]

  • Wraith Hail (2/2)

    (Continued from Here) … Part 2 The flames are silent. They drift into the vents. The room is stone, it’s stone, it’s stone, it’s…the tapestry, a gift from mom, catches fire, then the rug, just let me die. “Come, Alexandre, darling, listen!” The fire, I am a kēmist by training, kerosene, “it is a flammable […]

  • Wraith Hail (1/2)

    Part 1 The more of you that I inspect, The more of me I see reflect (Dave Mustaine 1995). But when I went to see what’s what, I looked around, I was a slut. I’m in this, here, a room, I have a dictionary I have a bed. You bought me too, paid food and […]