Tag: Mental Health

  • burnout and other fabulous intentions

    It’s that time of the year again. And I think the best part about being depressed is that you question your fundamentals. The reason I’m in English is not so that I could get a job. Pro tip, you want a job? Avoid the humanities. Try a skilled trade, everyone always needs more tradesmen in […]

  • Dear Diary, a playlist.

    Dear Diary, This is who I am right now. Thanks for listening, Daniel Triumph. <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-kCYZH3wujZQeIOsik45NBtROL6DY3bd>

  • A Testament for Habits

    A Testament for Habits

    Humans are creatures of habit. Not a shocking proposition, for most of human history our lives have been nothing but the same thing over and over. As a ‘sort of’ uncle of mine used to say, we “eat, sleep, shit, and work;” a succinct formula for our lives. But it’s even more important for those […]

  • an internal and depressed discourse

    an internal and depressed discourse

    This is a personal blog post, not a story 😮 and I think the worst part about being depressed is that you question your fundamentals. Why am I in University? Why for English? Why not Biology? Why pursue something you know for a fact isn’t your ‘passion’? But wait, isn’t passion built by doing something […]