Tag: Essay

  • Do You Strive for Mastery, or Simply to Write?

    What is one piece of advice that just doesn’t work for me? That it’s okay not to write every day. I experienced unfinished work, plummeted productivity and even quality. Robert A. Heinlein wrote constantly. Robert Heinlein was arguably one of the biggest names in science fiction of the 20th century. Heinlein published 32 novels, 59 […]

  • What do I do about Editing and Revision regarding Creative Writing?

    I have been consistently writing creatively since 2017, so as of writing this it’s been 6 years. The helpful answer is that I find that once I’m already editing I actually enjoy it, even if I resist starting. So the answer is to just start, and worry about liking it after. The more difficult answer […]

  • How to Manage a Mass of Ideas and Goals

    What if you have a lot of ideas? Too many ideas? Oh, but some of them are so good! Ah…well, here is some of the ideas I’ve personally used to wade through and manage ideas and projects. I am no expert, and perhaps one of the many productivity-focussed blogs could cover this better, but at […]

  • Reflexions on Wedlock

    Do you want statistics? No, we know the state of the affair well enough. Misery. And what then? Does the heart move across the sky? I thought not. And yet… Across the land, across the nation and further into the next, I have been bound. For other nobility, marriage is a very public and procedural […]

  • War and Peace – On the History of the War

    Of the Unfortunate Renewal of the Napoleonic War in 1811 From the close of the year 1811 an intensified arming and concentrating of the forces of Western Europe began, and in 1812 these forces—millions of men, reckoning those transporting and feeding the army—moved from the west eastwards to the Russian frontier, toward which since 1811 […]

  • Closing the Schedule

    Creativity thrives under all sorts of constraints, but time needn’t be one of them.

  • Of Commonplaces: An Essai for Montaigne

    As the ancients said, “Possessed with hellish torment, I master magics five” Mustaine 1990 Are there Commonplaces in my generation? That universal, perhaps conversational, well of references and information. Is it gone? I could call it culture, but if Commonplaces are gone, then that would imply we have no culture, and it seems we do. […]

  • Aristotle, Moses, Virtue Ethics, and Cures

    An Exploration into Aristotle’s “Virtue Ethics,” with a possible solution to some of its subjectivity. This is the complete essay. Daniel Triumph 13/24 April 2020 A discussion of ethics that compares the thought of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and the medieval Jewish philosopher and theologian Maimonides would seem to be unlikely. They are separated […]

  • Anne of Green Gables: What is Lost in Anne’s Coming of Age

    A short paper I wrote on Anne of Green Gables. I’m not entirely sure of the quality, but you can be the judge. The changes in Anne illustrated in the chapter “Where the Brook and the River Meet,” makes her a less believable character. Anne has submitted to ethos and has been deprived of her […]

  • Alexandre Jutt’s Journal – I, Woman

    This is another page from Alexandre Jutt Dirge’s journal. She is a Masters of Chemistry student at the Solune Academy (Officially named the Solune Royal house of Sophia.) She is known for having a scathing tongue and being extremely judgemental. She is also considered beautiful. Tall, well endowed, and having pale and clear skin. Hated […]

  • Charlotte’s Web: Good Mother

    Charlotte’s Web: Good Mother

    Daniel Triumph […] English 26-205 31 March 2018 The Good Mother When I started reading Charlotte’s Web, my first reaction to Charlotte’s treatment of Wilbur was one of concern. She started with little things, “ ‘Let Wilbur alone! … He has a perfect right to smell considering his surroundings’ ” (White 61), but then Charlotte […]

  • Pataphysics!


    I’ve been really bogged down by university with essays this week. Forward This essay revolves around the informal, joke-like theory of the “pataphysical,” a realm beyond physics, and beyond metaphysics. Applied to language, what that means is looking at a word and seeing its physical aspects, then using that as a vehicle for poetry. Example: […]