Tag: Dungeons and Dragons

  • Astore Lungeblade

    Grey Ooze part 1 link “Oh, so I’m being tested too? Shouldn’t I get an exemption though, since I’m already a Solune Agent?” Astore asked Janna. “Yeah, well, you’d think that, eh. But it turns out dad, er, the King wants to test you in a group combat environment. You’ve been working primarily as a […]

  • Grey Ooze

    Grey Ooze

    This is the second entry in the Dawngale RP Series. Foreword: Okay, cool, first time doing a foreword. So, this one will be a bit of a mess, but it’ll also be pretty awesome, and all the major loose ends get tied up too. So, for background, my first Dungeons and Dragons campaign was Edition […]