Tag: Detective Fiction

  • [Short Story: Detective Scene]

    (Consider this a practice exercise / short story.) He had spent too long checking the shelves. Why would a killer leave anything on a shelf? But the floors, the desk, nothing in the office showed any apparent signs of tampering apart from the door, which had been picked open a little too roughly. There was […]

  • Kemia

    Kemia (full version) is the third draft of Decay. This will likely be the final one. “I found this behind the bar.” Setzer handed Natasha a thumb-sized glass vial. It was empty, but lined with a distinct maroon residue. “They must have been poisoned.” “Yes,” said Jade, “There was something wrong with the taste.” For […]

  • Kēmeía (Chemia)

    “I found this behind the bar.” Setzer handed Natasha a thumb-sized glass vial. It was empty, but lined with a distinct maroon residue. “They must have been poisoned.” “Yes,” said Jade, “There was something wrong with the taste.” For the first time since the inn had been built, there was more than one person in […]

  • Decay (Early Draft)

    EDIT: I apologize for the lack of distinct scene changes before this edit. WordPress has a habit of deleting important page breaks for some reason. I’ve put hyphens ( – ) in between scene breaks to make it explicit. I hope WordPress doesn’t delete the paragraph breaks like before. My first go at detective fiction. I’m […]