Tag: Classic

  • Musings on Crime and Punishment, an Unexpected Novel

    I found some rather huge issues with the writing of Crime and Punishment, but once a reader wades through that (and through the very weak and tedious middle section), it’s a decent read. It’s clearly trying to do something great; its sights are set high. At the same time, the novel seems hesitant to clarify […]

  • War and Peace – On the History of the War

    Of the Unfortunate Renewal of the Napoleonic War in 1811 From the close of the year 1811 an intensified arming and concentrating of the forces of Western Europe began, and in 1812 these forces—millions of men, reckoning those transporting and feeding the army—moved from the west eastwards to the Russian frontier, toward which since 1811 […]

  • Astrophil and Stella 1 (By Sir Philip Sidney)

    Astrophil and Stella 1: Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show BY SIR PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586) Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show, That she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain,— Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know, Knowledge might pity […]